Medical Record Requests
Purpose: Allowing tracking requests for medical records made on cases.
Cost: None, but the feature may need to be enabled on older sites. Try to add the block to any auxiliary matter form on your site. If it isn't there, file a ticket (Help menu > Support Request) requesting this feature.
Requirements: Your site must be using dynamic organization records or convert to them.
In this article:
- Example View on a Case
- Creating a New Record
- Entering Medical Providers, Doctors, and Institution Departments
- Reporting
- Administrative Setup
Example View on a Case
Once a user has created a Medical Record Request entry, all entries will show as a list in the Medical Record Requests block (below).
Creating a New Record
To enter a new Medical Request Record, find the Actions menu link your site administrators have created. In this example, the link is called Medical Record Requests:
On the medical record request page, click on Add Medical Record Request.
First, select the Medical Provider by typing in at least 3 letters to call up a list of your agency's defined Medical Providers. You can then input additional information about the request, such as the date of the Medical Record Request, the range of records requested, the range of records received, etc.
To save the above information and then add an additional Medical Record Request, click Save Medical Record Request.
To save the request and return to the main profile, click Continue.
For existing medical record requests, users can click the date link in the list shown above. That will refresh the form and display a list of (optional) document templates that can be generated with the information for that request.
Entering Medical Providers, Doctors, and Institution Departments
Staff with the permission to access and edit organization and contact records will need to create and maintain these records.
Medical Providers are organizations that have the organization type "Medical Provider".
Doctors are contacts with the contact type "Doctor" that have been associated with a medical provider organization record.
Institution Departments are organizations with the type "MLP Medical Institution" that have been associated with one or more medical provider organization records.
Report on medical record requests via theCase Data > Services (One Row Per Service) subtable. Filter for "mrr_medical_record_request" = True.
Administrative Setup
Administrators will need to:
- Create an auxiliary form that contains the Medical Record Requests block, an auxiliary process to call that form, and adjust the Actions menu on cases to place the auxiliary process link in the desired spot.
- Administrators can limit who can use Medical Record Requests by removing permission from certain user roles on the auxiliary process.
- Add the "Doctors" and "Institution Departments" fields to organization records. These fields can be added to the organization profile and/or an auxiliary form.