Siteadmins Mailing List
LegalServer staff use the Siteadmins mailing list to post the weekly release notes, and important updates, for example warning about site downtime for maintenance.
Other site administrators may also post items of interest or solicit ideas or help from fellow site administrators.
People who are not site administrators are welcome to join the list, but this list is not for user questions like "How do add a note to a case?" or "How do I create a calendar event?".
Subscribing is a 2-step process:
- Send an email (it can be blank) to
- Reply to the email you will get (you don't need to add/say anything). Ignore the shiny blue "Join This Group" button in the email.
We require applying to foil bots and spammers.
If you have trouble subscribing, email and let us know the email address you want added to the list.
You do not need a Google account to subscribe and receive the emails or send an email to the group. Subscribing with a Google email address (personal or Google Workspace) will let you use the optional web interface to the group (search previous posts, etc.). Feel free to subscribe via a work address and a personal Gmail address if you want access to the web interface and to get emails.
There are three additional mailing lists:
- Public Defenders: Email as above to
- API Integrations: Email as above to (there's an "_" (underscore between "api" and "integrations")
- Pro Bono: Email as above to