Common Adverse Parties
Common Adverse Parties can be added to an intake or case along with other adverse parties. Using common adverse parties provides two benefits:
Faster data entry. Users simply pick from a list instead of needing to type in the common adverse party's name. In addition, LegalServer does not perform a database search on common adverse parties, it simply adds that party to the intake or case (by definition, an agency will never represent a common adverse party, so the conflict check, and the time needed to run that database search, is not necessary).
Consistent information for reporting. Using common adverse parties results in better reports because you are reporting on lookup values instead of free form text. Reporting on, for example, a common adverse party called "Department of Health" is more reliable than attempting to report on a free form text field that might contain "Dept. of Health", "Health Dept", "Health Department", and so on.
Administrators maintain the list of common adverse parties on the Admin / Common Adverse Parties page.
The Edit link displays the fields associated with each common adverse party.