Medical-Legal Partnerships
Purpose: LegalServer provides several fields, lists, and blocks to collect information on cases and outreaches for MLP (Medical-Legal Partnerships).
Cost: There is no cost for this module. The elements listed below are available to all sites.
Setup: Site administrators create and modify existing forms and profiles to record the desired information. The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership has created a guide to configuring LegalServer for MLPs. There are also community call videos on our Youtube channel from Mallory Curran, who was instrumental in helping us create the fields, lists, and blocks.
MLP Medical Institution Block
Available for both the Case/Matter and Outreach modules.
Displays a single-select dropdown list of MLP Medical Institutions (organizations with Organization Type = MLP Medical Institution).
After selecting an organization, displays a single-select list of MLP Medical Departments/Sites for that organization.
MLP Medical Department /Site Block
Available for the Organization module. Creates the departments/sites that are linked to the organization, and used by the MLP Medical Institution block above.
Multiple departments/sites can be added for each organization.
MLP ICD-10 Code Diagnosis Block
Available for both the Case/Matter and Outreach modules.
ICD-10 Code Category (single-select dropdown)
ICD-10 Code Block (single-select dropdown -- limited to only those that are listed under ICD-10 Code Categories)
ICD-10 Code Diagnosis (dropdown -- limited to only those that are listed under the ICD-10 Code Block)
ICD-10 Code (Read Only Based on what is listed in the lookup for ICD-10 Code Diagnosis).
List Views
MLP Medical Departments - for use on organization records to display the organization's departments.
MLP Matters - for use on organization records to display cases linked to the organization.
MLP Presentations - for use on organization records to display outreaches linked to the organization.
Fields and Lookups
Check Admin > System Fields and Admin > Lookups for updates.
These fields are in addition to the fields used in the various Blocks above.
Case/Matter Module:
MLP Medical Practice Area (Dropdown Single-Select); Lookup = MLP Medical Practice Area
MLP Date Referral Rec'd (date field)
MLP Date Referral Confirmed (date field)
MLP Referral Position Type (Dropdown Single-Select); Lookup = MLP Referral Position Type
MLP Is the client the patient referred? (Yes/No)
MLP Relationship of client to patient referred (Dropdown Single Select); Lookup MLP Relationship of client to patient referred
MLP Medical Record Number (text)
MLP Patient SDOH Risk Categories -- (multi-select); Lookup = MLP Patient SDOH Risk Categories
MLP # of ED visits in the past year (patient report) (number -- limit to 2 digits)
MLP # of hospitalizations in the past year (patient report) (number -- limit to 2 digits)
MLP Is the patient pregnant (at intake)? (Yes/No)
MLP If patient is pregnant, how many weeks? (number -- limit to 2 digits)
MLP Is the patient post-partum (at intake)? (Yes/No)
MLP If patient post-partum, how many months? (numeric -- limit to 2 digits)
MLP I-HELP Category (dropdown/single-select); Lookup = MLP I-HELP Category
MLP Outcome of Referral Rec'd from Health Care Site (dropdown/single-select); Lookup = MLP Outcome of Referral Rec'd from Health Care Site
MLP Output for Health Care Partner (multi-select); Lookup = MLP Output for Health Care Partner
MLP Summary for Medical Record (Text Area)
Outreach Module:
MLP Medical Practice Area (Dropdown Single-Select); Lookup = MLP Medical Practice Area
MLP Referral Position Type (Dropdown Single-Select); Lookup = MLP Referral Position Type
MLP Patient Name (Text -- not separated into first, last etc.)
MLP Patient Age (Number -- Limit to 3 digits)
MLP Medical Record Number (text)
MLP I-HELP Category (dropdown single-select); Lookup = MLP I-HELP Category
MLP Summary for Medical Record (Text Area)
MLP Title of Training / Presentation (Text)
MLP Attendee Position Type(s) (multi-select); Lookup = MLP Attendee Position Type(s)
MLP: Date Referral Confirmed (date)
MLP: Outcome of Facilitated Referral (Dropdown single select); Lookup = MLP Outcome of Facilitated Referral
MLP Referral Source Notified of Facilitated Referral Outcome (Yes/No)