Assigning Users to Cases/Matters
Matters can have multiple assignments of users, offices, and programs. LegalServer maintains an assignment history for each matter to show who was responsible for the matter and when, and which office and program the matter has been assigned to.
Intake Assignment - Automatically created when an intake is started.
Primary Assignment - If an incomplete intake is set to a pending or open case, a primary assignment is created. Cases always have a primary assignment.
Additional Assignments - Cases can optionally have multiple additional assignments. Additional assignments have an assignment type (co-counsel, intern, etc.) Site administrators control the list of types in Admin > Lookups.
Pro Bono Assignments - Cases can have multiple assignments of pro bono users.
Assignment History
Most case profiles include an Assignments tab that shows the assignment history.
Changing Staff Assignments
The Actions menu on a case typically has an Assign Case link. That page allows you to transfer the primary assignment to another staff user or make an Additional Assignment.
The Actions menu on a case will typically have a Recommend Pro Bono Attorney link. The details of that page vary depending on the features enabled on a site. A basic page displays a list of pro bono users whose profiles match the case, and a link to make the assignment.