Secondary Grant or Funding Code

LegalServer provides for one grant (funding code) on each case.

If you want to allow a case to reflect a second, or multiple, grants, you can create one or more custom fields.

NB: A case in LS has one grant, but timeslips on a case can use different grants. This often obviates the need to record a second or additional grants on the case itself.

Option 1

You can create one or more custom fields with the type "funding_code" to get fields that will use your site's existing grants and grant filters.

Option 2

You can create one or more custom fields with the type "lookup_custom", and a custom lookup list (or lists) that the fields will use. These would act like any other custom lookup field. Grant filters would not apply. There is no "syncing" between your grants and the values in the custom list(s).

A custom lookup field can be created as a single-select or multi-select field.


You can use both options. A "Secondary Grant" field (of type funding_code) and a custom "Additional Funding" or "Also Reportable To" field (single or mult-select).


Can I make my custom field(s) show up in the case snapshot?


Can I prevent someone from selecting the same grant for the LegalServer system field and my shiny dynamic field?


Will this make my VOCA reporting simple and easy?

No. Nothing will do that. Some dreams will forever remain such.

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