Report Charts and Maps

Add charts to a report in the Additional Display Formats section of a report.

Optionally, embed a report's charts or graphs in a profile using the Report Part block.

Note: Charts do not print or export. Take a screenshot of a chart to put it in a document.

Note: Some of the configuration options shown below are not currently available. For example, Share Area Under Line in Line Charts.

Note: Columns that are Sectioned cannot be used in Reports.

Example stacked bar chart:

Common Configuration Options

For each of the chart types, the following configuration and interface elements apply:

Case Count Column

Each chart type requires a way to count records, so report writers need to include a field in the report to act as a numerical hook for the chart.

Your site might already have such a field in your Report Library that you can add to a report with the Add Column link.

If you need to add a count column, use Advanced Add Columns, Method 2, to add a "New Literal Number" column to the report. If you are counting cases, add the new column from the Case Data fields list:

Then edit that column after it appears on your report. Optionally change the Heading. Put the number 1 in the Expression box:

Now  your report will show a "1" in that column on every row.

Date Columns

Charts display dates based on the configuration of the date column in the report. This example shows a bar chart tracking cases closed over a 3 month period by the full mm/dd/yyyy date:

To create a chart that tracks cases closed by month, open the column configuration for the Date Closed field and select "Year and Month Only" from the Format dropdown. 

The resulting bar chart counts cases on a monthly basis rather than a daily basis: 

Resizing a Chart

With the exception of maps, you can resize a chart by clicking on the triangle in the lower right corner of the chart and dragging it to the desired size. 

Pie Charts

Add a pie chart by clicking on "Pie" in the Additional Display Formats menu. 

Click the pencil icon to open the chart's configuration options. 

Select the Case Count column from the Size of Pie Wedge dropdown.

In the Label of Pie Wedge dropdown, select the column you want to represent in the pie chart.

In this example, the chart represents the distribution of values from the Legal Problem Code Category column. 

To view the percentage of a particular value, hover over the pie wedge as shown here. 

Clicking on a pie wedge will highlight the wedge by separating slightly from the rest of the pie. 

Bar Charts

Add a bar chart by clicking on "Bar" in the Additional Display Formats menu. 

Click the pencil icon to open the chart's configuration options. 

Select the Case Count column from the Height dropdown.

In the Bar Label dropdown, select the column you want to represent with the bar chart.

These settings will produce a simple vertical bar chart of open cases by assigned office, as shown here: 

Select a column from the Bar Grouping dropdown to produce a bar chart that subdivides the bars. In the example, the Assigned Office values will be subdivided by the LPC Category values: 

. . . which produces the following chart:

By enabling the Stack Grouped Bars? setting, the subdivided bars will be grouped vertically, as shown here: 

Checking the Horizontal Bars? box will change the layout of the chart as shown: 

For a more focused comparison of the groups, you can click on the names of groups in the legend to remove them from the chart, as illustrated in this example: 

Line Charts

Add a line chart by clicking on "Line" in the Additional Display Formats menu. 

Click the pencil icon to open the chart's configuration options. 

Select the column you want to track from the X Value dropdown, which defines the horizontal axis of the chart.

Select the Case Count column from the Y Value dropdown, which defines the vertical axis of the chart.

In the example, the chart tracks the number of cases opened over the course of several years. 

Enabling the Shade area under line? setting changes the appearance of the chart as shown here: 

You can zoom in on a section of the line chart by clicking in the chart and selecting an area . . . 

. . . which produces a more detailed view of the zoomed area.

Select Smooth Line? to add curves to the line rather than sharp angles. 

By selecting a column from the Y Line Grouping dropdown, you can create a chart with different lines for each value in the category. 

This setting produces a chart that looks like this:

For a more focused comparison of the values in the groups, you can click on the names of groups in the legend to remove them from the chart, as illustrated in this example: 

Use stock chart view? gives you the ability to create slices of the chart dynamically and move them horizontally.

To set the zoom area, click and drag the sliders on the left and right of the timeline or manually enter the start and stop dates.

To move the zoom area, click and drag the scroll bar at the bottom of the timeline. 

Area Maps

NB: Area maps are under development, but current functionality is limited. The example below may work on your site.

Area maps provide a geographic representation of data points in the report. Your site must have the Geographic Information System (GIS) module enabled in order to use area maps.

Your report must include the latitude and longitude columns from the Person subtable. The screenshot shows the path to these fields in the Case Data table: 

You will also need to add the Zip Code and State fields from the same subtable, as shown here: 

With these fields in place, add a filter for Zip Code to ensure that any records where the zip code is not entered are excluded from the results, as this could prevent the map from loading. 

To prevent records without geocoding information from derailing your map from loading, you can also add a filter that excludes all records where the value in the Latitude field is zero. 

Your map will also be cleaner if you add a filter on the State field to ensure that all results are in your state. 

Add an area map by clicking on "Area Map" in the Additional Display Formats menu. 

Click Area Map Settings to open the map's configuration options. 

In the Display Type dropdown, you can select from a number of geographic display options.

NOTE: We recommend using zip code, as the other options are still under development and may not behave as expected. 

For the Latitude and Longitude dropdowns, select the Latitude and Longitude columns.

Select the Case Count column from the Count dropdown.

Select Zip Code from the Category dropdown.

NOTE: In the future, you will be able to select other options from this dropdown. Since this feature is still under development, selecting a different category may produce unexpected results. 

The resulting chart will map the zip codes of each of the cases listed in the report. 

Use the plus and minus buttons in the upper left corner to zoom in or out of the map.

Click on a zip code to view the number of cases associated with that zip code. 

To increase the contrast between lower and higher numbers in each zip code, select Normalize Data. 

To change the gradient shading so that darker shades indicate lower numbers and lighter shades indicate higher numbers, select Invert Gradient. 

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