Sending a Case via Electronic Case Transfer
A site with the Electronic Case Transfer module enabled can send information about a case to another organization using LegalServer.
Administrators seeElectronic Case Transfers - Administrative Setup.
Using Refer to Outside Organization
A case can be transferred via the Refer to Outside Organization link (typically an Actions menu link on cases).
Once a referral organization has been identified, click the 'Refer to Here' link next to the organization name.
Using E-Transfer links
A site may have a special category of shortcut links. These links allow initiating a transfer to a specific organization, bypassing the need to use "Refer to Outside Organization", finding the organization on that list, then clicking "Refer Here" as described in the previous section. (Site administrators see: Electronic Case Transfers - Administrative Setup for information on setting up these links.)
Selecting Information to Transfer and Sending
Whether the transfer is initiated via Refer to Outside Organization or an organization-specific link, the form that appears provides several options regarding what information is transferred.
The first section of the form (not shown below) displays the contact information for the organization including the organization name, phone number, and any referral notes. There is also a drop down to select the type of transfer. This defaults to E-Transfer but in some cases users may want to manually transfer the case with a hard copy so this remains an option.
The next section is where you determine what is included in the transfer. The additional fields will only appear if the field 'Client Consent To Transfer?' is marked as 'Yes'. Just below that field is a place where you can enter transfer notes.
Text put in the Notes field shown above will appear for the receiving site on the Pending Case Transfer page in a Referral Notes section.
Once all the choices are made, clicking continue will send the case to the organization. The incoming transfer will have to be accepted by the organization. SeeAccepting or Rejecting Electronic Case Transfers.
Cancelling an Etransfer
The sending site can cancel an etransfer if the receiving site has not already rejected the transfer or started intake on it. Cancel it by deleting the transfer from the list of existing transfers. This is usually displayed on the case profile.
The transfer will drop off the receiving site's list of pending transfers. It is possible that someone on the receiving site has the pending transfer list displayed and sees the pending transfer before it is cancelled. If the sending site cancels, they could still click on the pending transfer, but would not be able to reject or start intake. Once they returned to the list of pending transfers, the cancelled one will have disappeared.
Status Updates
Status updates are automatically sent back to the sending site. Site administrators can display this information on case profiles and in reports on both the sending and receiving sites.
The common statuses, and when they change are:
E-Transfer Initiated - Awaiting Response -- the receiving site has not rejected or started intake on the pending transfer.
E-Transfer Intake Initiated -- the receiving site has started an intake on the transfer, but it has not yet been rejected or accepted as a case.
E-Transfer Received - Set Pending -- the receiving site has completed intake and set the disposition to Pending.
E-Transfer Accepted -- the receiving site has opened a case on the transfer.
E-Transfer Rejected -- the receiving site has rejected the pending transfer or the matter if they had started processing the transfer.