Registrants Module
Purpose: The Registrants Module is a way for your volunteers and others to sign up and enter their information directly into the database as Contacts.
You create a form (i.e.: online intake or external forms) for them to fill out. Staff then see all of the people who have filled out that form on a list view, and have the ability to convert any of the registrants into users.
Cost: $2500, $50/month in additional maintenance fees.
In this article:
- Viewing the list of Volunteer Registrations
- Volunteer Registrations
- Email Confirmations
- Batch Volunteer Updates
- Admin Setup
- Custom Fields
- Known Issues
Viewing the list of Volunteer Registrations
You can view the Volunteer Registrations list by adding /registrant to your site's URL:
You can also enable a Volunteer Registrations Actions menu link on the main Contacts page. Go to the Admin > Outreach Settings page and set "Show Volunteer Registration Static Link on Outreach and Contact home" to Yes.
Volunteer Registrations
The Volunteer Registrations list displays all online registrations that have happened where creating the user has not been approved. This is a static page and cannot be modified.
Clicking on the Name field will open the dynamic Contact Profile in the system for that contact record.
The last column allows you to search and check if there is an existing user for that individual. It will open the User list and allow you to filter and search. If there is not an existing user, you can then use the "Make User" action item to create a user. This first launches a confirmation page. If you say "Yes", then the Registrant Contact is marked as "Approved" even without finalizing the user creation that follows. The Volunteer Registration Acceptance Email is then sent to the registrant. Then it launches the Add New User process, prefilling a number of the fields from the registration's contact record. Once you say you want to make the user account, the registrant is removed from the list of Volunteer Registrations (whether you complete the registration or not).
This may create second (or third) contact records for an individual in your site. You can either mark the new one as not a current contact or merge the contacts.
Email Confirmations
On confirming or rejecting a registration, an email is automatically sent to the individual (if they have a valid email address). For accepted registrants, the email will also contain their login username. The text of the messages can be modified by the fields on the Admin > Pro Bono Settings page. Specifically, you can set the Volunteer Registration Acceptance Email Body and Volunteer Registration Denial Email Body. The text in the acceptance email body is followed by
Your login is: [username] Sent by LegalServer.
These come from a "no-reply" email address. The default email text is "Your volunteer registration has been approved." or "Your volunteer registration has been declined." The username is often their email address. If that is already used or not submitted by the registrant, the username referenced will be "id###".
Batch Volunteer Updates
In those times of plenty where you've got a large number of volunteers to approve (or spam to reject), while on the Volunteer Registrations Page, there is a Batch Volunteer Update option in the Actions menu.
This gives you the option to set the registration status to "Accepted, Denied, or Wait-List". These lookup values are from the system lookup of Registrant Status. You can then confirm the changes before creating their user accounts. It will then use a default username and leave all the details blank on the user record that were not transferred from the contact record, except for the system values which can then be set:
The batch feature is also the only way to reject registrants at this time.
Admin Setup
On the Admin > Processes, Forms, and Profiles page, select the Registrants module.
Create a Registrant Profile
This will serve as the "Thank You" page registrants will see after they fill out the registration form. This can have an instruction note with a thank you message and any details you want about next steps. It is not required but suggested to have this Profile in place. To modify the header content on the profile, go to Admin --> Site Settings, and change the details for "Default Registrant External Profile Header Content" under the Other section. This defaults to "External Profile".
Create a Registrant Create Form and Create Process
On the form, be sure to include the volunteer's First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and any other contact information you wish to collect. The interface the volunteer sees is the same UI as External Forms or Online Intake. The Process can also be modified with the same Custom Profile styles as an Online Intake.
To make it live, under the Process settings, turn External Access on. You'll also need to select your new landing page profile as the Followup Profile for the Process.
That will provide you with a direct link to use as well as an embed link. Volunteers and others can then access the link to register.
NB: An embedded form can be broken by other things on the site where you embed it. We cannot troubleshoot or provide help on this. That's up to you, or whoever built the shiny site where you embed the form.
Change the Header for the Final Page
Navigate to Admin > Site Settings. In the "Other" section adjust "Default Registrant External Profile Header Content" to have the default header that you want. The default text here is "External Profile."
Custom Fields
You can create custom fields for the Registrant module. These fields are part of the "contact" class of custom fields, meaning you can use them on registrant, contact, and user module forms.
Known Issues
- Using the Organization Name Field on the registrant module /system/system_field/edit/25928 captures the name as the name of the contact. The Alternative Organization Name field doesn't seem to capture data.