Internal Transfers of Cases (between offices within an agency)

Purpose: The Internal Transfers feature allows cases/matters to be transferred from one office to another (within the same site) without needing to assign them to a specific advocate within that office. They are assigned to a virtual user and appear on an "Internal Transfers" list on the Cases section front. Matters on the Internal Transfers list can be reviewed, then reassigned or disposed of as needed.

Cost: None.

Requirements: Sites using ReferralHub must have dynamic organization records so they can add a required field.

To check if this feature is available on your site, edit one of your offices (Admin > Offices) and look for the "Default user for assignments" field. If you don't see it, file a Support Request (Help menu > Support Request) and we will enable it.

In this Article:

Making an Internal Transfer

The "Refer to Outside Organization" link on a matter is used to transfer the matter to the Internal Transfers list.

On the "Search Referral Organizations" list, offices that accept internal transfers are indicated by "Yes (Supports Inter-Office Transfer)" in the "Accepting Referrals?" column.

Clicking "Refer Here" for such an office will display the form to change the primary assignment (instead of the usual referral form). The Office will be set (and not editable). Select the virtual user in the Advocate dropdown, then Continue.

The matter is now assigned to the virtual user and appropriate office, and will appear on the Internal Transfers list.

Maintaining the Internal Transfers List

Matters appearing on the Internal Transfers list can be reviewed, and either transferred to a different office and user, or otherwise disposed of as appropriate.

By default, the Internal Transfers list only shows matters that are assigned to the user's office. So a user assigned to the "Central" office will only see matters assigned to the "Central" office virtual user for internal transfer.

Information for each matter is displayed on the list, along with a link to view the matter profile, and a "Transfer Case" link in the Action column. Clicking on the "Transfer Case" link will display the form needed to assign the matter to the appropriate office, program, and advocate.

Administrative Setup

Setting up the Internal Transfers feature requires the following steps:

  • Create office records as needed on the Admin > Offices page.
  • Create a virtual user for each office.
    • Set the virtual user as Current, but Login Active to no, Advocate/User Type to Staff (or similar), and User Role to User. Other fields can be set as desired.
    • Do not set a password for the virtual user.
    • A common practice is to make a virtual user's first and last name something like "Transfer ZZofficename" (where 'officename' is the name of the relevant office). This groups the virtual users together and puts them at the end of user dropdown lists. Any naming convention can be used.
  • Add the virtual user to the office's profile in Admin > Offices.
    • Select the virtual user in the "Default user for assignments" field.
  • Create, or edit, an organization for each office.
    • Select "Referral Organization" in Organization Type(s).
    • Edit the organization's primary referral criteria and select the appropriate value for Referral Office.
    • Set other referral criteria (problem codes, counties, etc.) as needed.
  • For sites using ReferralHub, set the "Organization Accepts Transfers Internally (Using Assignments)" field to Yes on each organization record.

Displaying the List

Use the Internal Transfers block on the Case/Matter section front to display the Internal Transfers list.

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