Scheduled Reports

Scheduled Reports allows you to email a report each day, month, etc., to selected people. Building or editing a report to send is covered in the Reports Manual.

Prerequisite: Your user role must have the Report Management permission to use this feature. If you can edit reports, you already have it.

Pro Tips:

  • Only Base Reports are available to schedule. If you have a Saved Report you want to schedule, edit it, and click Save As to create a copy that is a Base Report. Optionally, but recommendly, edit the Saved Report again, and deactivate it.
  • If the report uses any of the options that limit results based on the user running the report, it will always return no results. There is no "user" running a scheduled report, so no results are returned.

In this Article:

Potential for Disclosing Sensitive Information

Sending reports via e-mail entails the usual risks of sending data via email attachments. Sending reports that contain personally identifiable information about people in your database is a risk. For example, you may want to leave client names out of a scheduled report.

Report Permissions do not Apply

User Role Permissions on a given report do not apply to scheduled reports. Even if a user's role does not have permission to run a report, they will still receive the report if it is sent using this feature and they are in the recipients list.

Staggering Multiple Scheduled Reports

If you are scheduling multiple reports to be sent on the same day(s), staggering the hour is a good idea. For example, if you have multiple "overnight" reports being sent, send one or two at 3am, more at 4am, etc.

Known Issues

* Selecting a chart or graph as output for the report part to send is not working. A blank xls file is sent. (Ref: 70225).

Scheduling a Report

Actions menu > Schedule Reports on the main Reports page.

Sites using a dynamic report section front may need to add the link to the Actions menu. If all else fails, "/report/list_schedule" to the site's URL, for example, "", to see the page.

The resulting screen displays a list of existing scheduled reports. You can add new report schedules, edit existing schedules, or click Send Now:

The Send Now link does not update the Last Sent column in the list. Why? That column is designed to show you when the automated sender last worked.

To create a new report schedule, click the New Report Schedule icon as shown in the above screenshot.

The resulting screen is the Schedule Report form, which has three sections:

In the top section, you set the name of the report schedule, select the report you want to run, and select the parts of the report you want to send. You can only select Base reports. The search box does not include Saved reports.

In the Schedule section you set the frequency with which the report will be run.

In the Email Details section at the bottom of the form, you can compose a standard e-mail to accompany the report, set the sender e-mail, and select the e-mail recipients.

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