SMS Autoresponder

The SMS Autoresponder feature analyzes the incoming text of SMS messages and can send back a pre-formulated response.

Cost: $1,200.00 one time setup fee.

The Autoresponder requires:

  • Properly configured basic SMS module and an activated SMS Section Front
  • At least two Twilio numbers
  • SMS Autoresponder feature turned on by a LegalServer developer

SMS Autoresponder requires two distinct Twilio phone numbers for the enabled account, one for standard SMS and one that is monitored for inbound messages that the Autoresponder should analyze for responses.  Your agency will need to obtain a Twilio account for your agency and configure that account.  The API key and other settings should be entered first into your demo site for testing.

Autoresponder actions are in the Inbound Queries tab on the SMS Section front

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