VAWA - LAV - Domestic Violence Information
LegalServer contains several system fields that agencies can use to track information for VAWA and LAV grants and other issues involving domestic violence.
Some agencies also create site specific fields, or have paid LegalServer to develop custom fields and blocks to meet particular needs, so the list on this page may not be complete for a specific site.
Integration into a site
Agencies typically create an auxiliary form and process to collect VAWA information on applicable cases. Certain fields are sometimes also placed on intake forms.
Fields and Blocks
The following fields and blocks may be useful on intake or auxiliary forms.
It is up to each agency to determine what information it needs to collect to meet its obligations under a particular grant.
These fields and blocks may be useful in contexts other than VAWA.
Site administrators can change field labels, so the database field name is also provided.
Client (DV) Served (lookup) (domestic_violence_served)
Date of VAWA Service (date) (date_of_vawa_service)
Domestic Violence Present? (boolean) (domestic_violence)
DV Abuser Relationship (lookup) (dv_abuser_relationship)
DV Battery Info (lookup) (dv_batter_info)
DV Code (lookup) (domestic_violence_code)
DV How Caller Heard (lookup)
DV Legal Issue (lookup) (dv_legal_issue)
DV Needs Attorney (lookup) (dv_needs_attorney)
DV Other Issue (lookup) (dv_other_issue matter)
DV Referral For (lookup) (dv_referral_for)
DV Referral To (lookup) (dv_referral_to)
DV Type Victimization (lookup) (dv_type_victimization)
How is the Abuser related to the Applicant? (lookup) (domestic_violence_relationship)
Multiple Legal Issues (boolean)
Non-Attorney Legal Advocacy (boolean)
Receives DV Messages (boolean) (dv_messages)
Rural? (boolean) (rural)
Pro Se Clinics Provided By (lookup) (pro_se_clinics_provided_by)
Safe Address (boolean) - this field is also part of the Address block, but can be used as a standalone field on forms
Support Services Provided By (lookup) (support_services_provided_by)
Domestic Violence block
Configuration option to display several fields
Domestic Violence Present?
How is the Abuser related to the Applicant?
DV Type Victimization
Domestic Violence Outcomes
Initially presents a row of related fields, Issue, Date, Outcome, and Outcome Date, and +/- buttons to add and remove issues
These fields are not listed above because they typically should not be used individually
Issue is a lookup field controlled by the DV Legal Issue lookup list
Outcome is a lookup field controlled by the DV Legal Issue Outcome lookup list
Notes (Generic) DV Notes
If not present on a site, a notes field can be added to the Note Type lookup list and used with this block
When reporting on VAWA information, a case can have multiple domestic violence outcomes. As indicated in the report table, this will produce one row per outcome and not one row per case. A separate report on domestic violence outcomes can be used so that a primary report can contain counts per case, however, adding a Unique Count column breakdown on the case number column provides a case count even though the report row count is number of outcomes.
Some of the fields, like DV Referral For and DV Referral To are multi-select lookups. A table is provided in reports to put all of the selections in one cell of the report (maintaining one row per case). A separate "split" table is provided that will produce one row per selection.