Recording How an Applicant Was Referred to Your Organization

LegalServer allows a site to track which organization(s) referred an applicant, and/or how an applicant learned about your organization.

This information can be collected during intake and/or after a case is opened.

Referring Organizations

The Referring Organizations field provides data entry and display of organization(s) that referred an applicant. The field can be used on prescreen and intake forms as well as profile pages.

There is also a Referring Organizations block that has two configuration options:

1. Whether entering at least one organization is required.

2. Whether organizations should be added to a matter using a search box (the default), or using a multi-select list.

Whichever data entry method is used, the organizations that can be added must exist as Organizations in LegalServer and have "Referring Organization" selected for organization type.

How did Applicant hear about us?

This lookup field provides a dropdown list of values, and is commonly used to record how an applicant heard about your services, as opposed to which specific organization(s) might have referred an applicant. Note: This field is often renamed to "Referred By".

The lookup values are controlled by each site. Common values are Advertisement, Court, Friend, Other Legal Aid/Legal Services Agency, and so on. The values are controlled in Admin > Lookups in the "How was caller referred" lookup list.


Information collected using the Referring Organizations block is available in reports on the Case Data > Referring Organizations table.

Information collected using the "How did applicant hear about us?" lookup field is available on the Case Data > How did applicant hear about us Lookup table. 

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