Document Storage and File Size Limit
Document Storage and File Size Limits
Files can be uploaded to a site, most typically to individual cases, but also to outreach records, etc.
Individual file uploads are virtually unlimited in size for most sites. Some legacy sites are limited to 500MB uploads.
Inbound emails are limited to 80MB (message plus attachments). Note that when sending attachments to case notes out to other systems, many email systems do not accept attachments over 25MB and your message may not be accepted.
There is no limit on the number of files that can be uploaded.
LegalServer includes up to 1TB (terabyte) of file storage at no additional cost. $100 per month per terabyte over 1TB.
Current space used is available on each site on the Admin > Metrics page.
- Google Team Drive Integration
- SharePoint Integration
- Dropbox Integration
- Add by URL: Sites can also store files elsewhere and display URLs to those files within LegalServer. Links do not use LegalServer file storage. See Admin > Document Settings > Enable Documents to be Added by URL.