Introduction and Overview: Online Data Document Site
LegalServer will provide selected users with access to an online data document site. This site will serve as a communication channel between your agency and LegalServer for discussions regarding the import of your client data into LegalServer. Discussion recorded in the data doc will provide insight into what data you track and how it is used in the current system.
The online data document is comprised of four main components:
Data Upload
Summary: After your initial data upload, LegalServer will work with you to map your data from your current system into our database. This may included meetings to discuss your data, and working asynchronously to complete your data.
Your team will be responsible for the following tasks:
Your initial Data Upload (see ‘Data Upload’)
Completing the following on the table (see ‘Fields’):
Comments: Indicates generally what data the table contains and whether to import the table.
Reviewed: Indicates you have reviewed the table.
Agreed: Indicates you agree to how the contents of the table will be mapped.
Completing the following for each field (see ‘Fields’):
Comments: Indicate whether you want a field imported and information on how you use the field.
Reviewed: Indicates you have reviewed the field.
Agreed: Indicates you agree to how and where LegalServer will import the data.
Summary: You will upload your data twice. Once very early in your process so we can test import your data to your demo site, and again three days before your Go Live date. You should do this ONLY through the data doc, unless an alternate method has been arranged.
Copy your entire current database, and .zip or .7z it into one file. Please include your site name or abbreviation in the saved file name. If you use 7zip software to encrypt your file, send the password by email, text or other means to your LegalServer project manager. Do not send your zipped data file by email; use the upload tool in the data doc.
Log into your data doc site, which will be you site abbreviation followed by “”. LegalServer staff will give you a special login and password.
Disable any screensavers and power-saving sleep modes
Plug in your computer to a power source
Ensure that your Internet connection is consistent. An intermittent connection will disrupt transfers. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for troubleshooting
Use an Ethernet cable to connect to the internet, not a wireless connection
Click Upload Data
Choose your compressed file that contains a compressed copy of your entire database and upload it. Email when you have done so to confirm we have received your data.
Summary: Most of the information on this page is for your information, and no action is required. The exception Is the Generated Password for Imported User Accounts, which is used to set the password for your users as part of your go live.
Table/Field Information:
Total # of Tables- Total number of tables in your sample database
Total # of Tables Marked for Import- Total number of tables marked for import
Total # of Fields- Total number of fields in all of the tables in the database
Total # of Fields Marked for Import- Total number of fields in all of the tables marked for import. This does not mean that all of these fields are in use.
Total # of New System Fields- Number of system fields to be created by LegalServer
Estimated # of hours to complete Test import & Estimated # of hours to complete Final import- Populated by LegalServer to be used for project planning
Final Case Row Count- Calculated after LegalServer receives the final set of data
Final Case Row Count Verified- For LegalServer use to verify final data migration
Generated Password for Imported User Accounts:
Password: After the final import, all user accounts will initially have the same password. The password listed in the text box is the auto-generated password for the live site which should be distributed to all users by you at GoLive.
User Information:
Total # of Client Users: This is the number of client users who have access to the data document.
Summary: This page serves as an entry point to marking your data doc on the field level. It also provides a snapshot of both the data in and the status of each table. No action is required on this page.
Table View Information:
The Tables view is a multi column layout of all the tables in your agency’s current database.
Name: The name of the table in your agencies current database with a hyperlink to the fields within each table (see: “Fields” section below).
Row Count: The number of rows of data are in each table.
Field Count: The number of individual fields are in the table. This does not display how many fields are in use.
Usage: How the table is being used in your current database (e.g. organization information; callback information; etc). LegalServer controls changes to this column, if a table is incorrectly labeled add a comment on the table (see “Fields” section below).
Import: Indicates whether LegalServer is importing that particular table. A green check mark means it will be imported while red means it will not be imported. Only LegalServer can make changes in this column. If there is a table your agency wants imported, make a comment to that effect on the table and LegalServer can change the column to a green check mark if necessary.
I&D (Interview and Discovery): Indicates a table requiring further discussion. A green check mark in this column serves as a "flag" to remind LegalServer and your agency this table needs to be discussed before it can be imported into LegalServer.
Reviewed: Helps your agency track the tables that you have been reviewed. The reviewed field can be filtered on to help pick up where you last left off.
Agree: This column will be showed as checked after the table is marked as reviewed (see Fields Section below) and when your agency agrees with every field comment and table comment in that table. To mark this column as agreed you will select the green checkmark. This denotes that your agency agrees with all of the decisions made on the table. Any table that LegalServer has marked for import must have each individual field as well as the table itself marked as client agrees. LegalServer will not start the final import until this step is complete. As soon as your agency signs off on this, the Datadoc is locked and no further changes can take place. If a table is not being imported to LegalServer, you must still mark that you agree with that decision by putting a checkmark in the ‘Agree’ column. However, it is not necessary to go through each individual field in the table if the table as a whole is not being imported.
Issues Resolved: Indicates if, at the field level, there are any statuses set to “client review needed” or “PSTI review needed”. If so, it will appear in red. It is only when all fields within a table are set to “Issue Resolved” that the green checkmark will appear in this column at the Table level.
Filters: Are on the right hand side of the page and are cumulative. Filters are a very useful way of narrowing down the list of tables as you review them. A good way to start is to filter for all the tables which LegalServer marked for import.
Summary: The hyperlink on the table view will take you to a similar screen that allows you to make comments about the table and provide detailed information about each field stored on that table.
You are responsible for noting which fields you wish to import in the comments section. You can use the ‘Review’ check box to track which field you have worked on, and when LegalServer indicates where that field will be mapped (or has indicated it will not be imported) that you ‘Agree’.
When you are finished reviewing each of the fields, you should check “Client Reviewed” at the top of the table, and when you have agreed to the mapping on the table you should click “Client Agreed” and the top of the table.
These are the only parts of the Fields screen you are responsible for.
To access the fields screen, click on the table name (which is a hyperlink) on the Tables page.
The table for the example and screenshot we will use below is ‘Casestatus’ and it has two fields, ‘casestatuspk’ and ‘description’ which are in the Fields view at the bottom. The page is split into two sections, the top dealing with the table comments, and the lower section dealing with the fields and their comments.
Note: There are only two boxes that can be checked by the client- ‘Client Reviewed’ and ‘Client Agrees’. You are not able to select the ‘Client Agrees’ box until you have reviewed the table and selected the ‘Client Reviewed’ box.
The ‘Import’, ‘I&D’, and ‘New System Fields Being Built’ are controlled by LegalServer and are a visual of where this table is in the process. If you feel that a table should be imported, add a table comment which will then be reviewed by LegalServer. For example, put in the Subject box “Needs to be imported” but then in the text box, explain what type of data is collected, if it is data for a particular grant or special program, and if it contains information that links to other tables.
It is important to provide enough detail for LegalServer to understand how that particular table connects to other tables so they can determine how it will fit in LegalServer. Remember: Comments here pertain to the whole table and not just to a particular field.
As part of adding table comments, you can also attach a file as supporting documentation to help LegalServer. You can only attach one document per comment, however you can make as many comments as needed. By default, only one comment box shows at a time to save space on the page. As soon as you save a comment, another set of comment boxes will pop up for you. Also, the body of the comment box provides unlimited space to type, it does not have a character or word limit. When you get to the bottom; a scroll bar appears in the text box as you continue typing text.
Field View Information:
The lower section of the page contains a 13 column table of all the fields that exist within the table. So, in this case, the table is ‘Casestatus’ and ‘casestatuspk’ and ‘description’ are fields within the ‘Casestatus’ table.
The columns are similar to the ones found on the tables page with some important differences:
Please note: your site may have two additional fields between “Import to” (Usage in the example above) and “Import” called “Module” and “Module Field”. These are to help LegalServer properly map your data and you are NOT responsible for filling them in.
1. Name: The name of the field in this table (i.e.: ‘casestatuspk’ is a field, in the ‘Casestatus’ table.
2. Usage/Import To: Indicates where the field is being imported to in LegalServer (i.e. it is the field name in LegalServer). If there is no corresponding field in Legalserver, it will be marked for I&D to see if a new field needs to be created. In some sites “Usage” is called “Import to” and two fields (“Module” and “Module Field”) appear to the right of this field. These are additional fields to help LegalServer properly map your data. Only LegalServer can make changes in this column.
3. Import: Indicates whether a particular field is being imported. A green checkmark means it will be imported while red means it will not be imported. Only LegalServer can make changes in this column. If there is a field your agency wants imported you should make a comment to that effect at the field level.
4. I&D (‘Interview and Discovery’): Indicates when your agency has a field or fields for which there are no corresponding fields in LegalServer. A green checkmark in this column serves as a "flag" to remind LegalServer and your agency that this needs to be discussed and fleshed out. Only LegalServer can make changes in this column.
5. New Field: Indicates whether a new field will be created for this particular field in your current database. Only LegalServer can make changes in this column.
6. Reviewed: This column helps your agency to keep track of the fields that have been reviewed. You are responsible for checking off which fields your team as reviewed.
7. Agree: The ‘Agree’ box can only be checked after you have checked the ‘reviewed’ box and is used to indicate that your agency agrees to all the comments regarding the particular field. Note: this column and check mark is at the field level not the table level.
8. Type: Identifies what kind of field it is, e.g. Boolean, integer,etc.
9. Count: Indicates the number of records in the table that have data in that field, i.e. the field is not null. If the count is zero, LegalServer will not import the field into your site, and will help you to create a new field on your demo site.
10. #: Is the number of comments there are about that field. If you click on the number, it opens up the comment text boxes for you to review them. If you click on the number again, it will hide the comments.
Click the # 1 in this example to see/add comments
11. Timestamp: Each time a comment is made the program produces a record of the date and time.
12. User: The program also records who made the comment.
13. Field Status: This field identifies the action that needs to be taken about the field. The options are “client response needed”, “PSTI response needed”, or “Issue resolved”. Each time a comment is posted, the status will be set to one of the above options.