Activities Block
This block displays the fields needed to create an Activity record on a case.
This block is typically placed on an auxiliary form that is called by an "Add Activity" auxiliary process. The Activity Log list view element is usually placed on the main profile to display existing activities.
Several lookups are relevant to this block:
Actor field - Activity Actor lookup
Activity field - Activity Action lookup - can be linked to Activity Items
Item field - Activity Item lookup - can be linked to Activity Actions and Problem Codes
Venue - not a true lookup, but a list of all active Organization records that have the type "Activity Venue" selected
Related: Activity Presets to create events, tasks, deadlines, or outcomes based on the actor, activity, and item selected.
Configuration Options
Additional configuration options may appear depending on features enabled on a site.
Display and Defaults
Show Primary Count
Show Secondary Count
Show Actions/Items
Require Action
Require Item
Show Venue
Show Actor
Show User
Show Note
Default Action
Default Item
Default Venue
Default Actor
Date Label
Note Signature box, where you can enter static text that will be included in the email. The box also supports the placeholders "[name]" to insert the client's name and "[url]" to insert a link to the case.
Allow Documents
Document Attach Label
Document Upload Label
Allow Adding Time
Require Adding Time (only effective if Allow Adding Time is checked)
Display Time Activity Type
Display Timeslip Office
Default Time Activity Type
Display Timeslip Funding Code
NB: The timeslips created by the above option are created with a static, built-in process, and will display with the static "Service Profile". If your site uses a dynamic timeslip profile, these timeslips will look and behave differently than timeslips created through a dynamic "Add Staff TIme" or "Add Case Note" process.
You can configure the block to provide a button that sends the person to a dynamic case timeslip.
Uncheck "Allow Adding Time"
Select "Yes" for "Show Save and Add Timeslip Button"
Select the process for adding case time - usually "Add Case Time".