GAR Report Module Block

Purpose: The GAR Report Module block is a collection of report blocks that helps LSC-funded agencies easily see summary data for GAR reporting. Note: These blocks use underlying system reports that must be created prior to their use.

Cost: None. It may need to be enabled by LegalServer staff. File a ticket (Help menu > Support Request) if you don't see the GAR Report Module block on your site.

Using the underlying reports, the GAR blocks display the information in a way that makes it easy to transport that information into the GAR report. Note: These reports must be created separately. The following report views are available:

  • Office staffing (which can be used for both staff and volunteers)
  • Demographics
  • PAI Open cases
  • Staff Open Cases
  • Staff Closed cases (which can also be used for PAI closed cases).

Reports created for use with this block must contain all the information needed for the display and must also be made available as a System Report and associated with the type of System report it relates to. This is done in the "Attributes" section of reports.

Note: If one of these do not appear on your list, you can add it under the "System Report Type" lookup

Multiple reports can be attributed to the same System Report type so that the module can be used separately for both reports (such as staff vs volunteer or Staff vs PAI cases). The module is then configured by Report Type and Report.

Tip: Create a new Home page profile view with Tab Starts showing each view separately to decrease loading times.

Here are some sample views of how the block report types will display:

Office staffing (which can be used for both staff and volunteers)

Additional Information Relating to Cases (tip: you will need more than 1 report (one for the closed case information and one for cases closed not reportable section) and add this twice)

Note: In addition to these visualizations, you can create additional reports using the transformer to view summaries for other GAR reports, such as Other Services and Categories of Attorney involvement. For information on how to use the transformer, see Lookup Transform Index.

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