Profiles - Side Bar, Actions Menu, and Views Menu Elements

Dynamic profile pages have a Side/Action Elements section where administrators control the links that can appear in the side bar, Actions menu, Print menu, and Views menu.

Pro Tip: Dynamic profile pages have an Admin menu > Edit Profile link (next to or near the often-red "Search" menu). Quick access to the Side/Action Elements for that page.

Pro Tip: Case profiles typically have a "Menu Boxes" element in the Side/Action Elements. Follow the "Edit" link there to see what's being pulled in to the profile you are editing.

For general information on profile pages see: Process Management - Profiles.

In this Article:

Modules Other than Cases

The Side/Action elements available depend on the module. The Case/Matter module has an extensive set and is covered below. Other modules, like outreach, users, contacts, etc. have only a few elements available.

Width of the Actions Menu

The Actions menu dynamically sizes itself according to the longest link in the first category. An extreme example, with the first category being "Testing Links" and the only link in that category is "Litigation":

You can add dots (or other characters/text) to one of the links in that first category to pad it. Spaces will not work.

Can I Add Fields to a Display Element like Snapshot New or Rejected?

No. Each element may provide configuration options to display additional information, but displaying additional or different fields or other information requires programming.

Display Order of Action Menu Elements

Elements will display in the Actions menu in the order you put them, with one notable exception — a Custom Link Box with the title "Actions" always floats to the top.

Your configuration looks like this:

But you see this on a case:

Change the title of of the Custom Link Box element from "Actions" to "Action Links" (or anything else), and you'll see this:

Case/Matter (Mostly) Elements

The Main Profile page (and profile views) that displays pending, open, closed, and rejected matters, has several elements available. These elements can be used on the Main Profile as well as any profile views created for a site. A few of these elements are also available for profile pages in other modules.

Custom Link Box

This element provides a great deal of flexibility in displaying links and can be used to replace many of the legacy box elements. The Title of the box can be set to whatever is desired. Use the +/- buttons to add and remove links. Each link 'row' has a dropdown for selecting a process, and the list includes dynamic and static processes.

Multiple Custom Link Box elements can be used in the Side Bar or Actions Menu sections to group links. This is one method of addressing what might otherwise be a long list of links in a single "Actions" box. Here is a generic Actions menu made with 5 Custom Link Box elements (and a Case Copy element):

Add/Edit Contract Information

Only applicable if the Contract Attorney module is enabled.

Case Copy Custom

Can display links for create new case, quick case copy, new subordinate case, and copy prescreen. These links are also available in the Link Boxes element (see below), but this element can provide more flexibility regarding where the links appear in the Actions menu hierarchy.

Closing Options

Displays an "Options" box on closed cases that includes several links appropriate for closed cases, and has several configuration options regarding which links are displayed. Typically placed in the Action Menu section of your case profile or profile boxes.

Closing Information

A legacy element that displays information (date closed, close reason, etc.) on closed cases. If used in the Side Bar section in the new interface, it adds an expandable "Closing Information" section to the bottom of the Snapshot New element.

Create PDF

Displays links for processes that are configured to use this feature.

Data Error

A legacy side bar element that displays a "Reject Case" link and is tied to a user role permission. This element is deprecated and will be removed in the future, therefore it is not recommended for use in either interface. A dynamic reject case process provides more control if such a link is desired.

E-Transfer Organizations

Only applicable to sites with the Electronic Case Transfer module enabled. See: Electronic Case Transfers - Administrative Setup for more information.


A legacy element that displays LSC Eligibility, Citizenship, and Financial Information in the side bar.


A legacy element that displays intake information (intake date, user, etc.) in the side bar.

Link Boxes

A legacy meta-element that can display several other boxes such as Actions, Additional Information, Scheduling, etc. If used in the Action Menu section in the new interface, the selected boxes are categories within the Actions menu. While this element can display several boxes, and many links within those boxes, it provides no control over which links are displayed within the selected boxes. See the Custom Link Box element above.

Matter Options

Displays links on incomplete intakes (reject, refer and reject, add staff time, etc.).

Menu Boxes

A meta-element that pulls in the links as defined in the selected Menu Box. Menu boxes can be useful if a site uses profile views. See Profile Views for more information.


Designed to display information (prescreen date, prescreen intake user, etc.) in the side bar on a prescreen summary profile page. "Prescreen summary profile" refers to the followup profile selected for a prescreen process. Sites using the new interface likely want to use the "Prescreen New" element.

Prescreen New

Designed to display information (prescreen date, prescreen intake user, etc.) in the side bar on a prescreen summary profile page. "Prescreen summary profile" refers to the followup profile selected for a prescreen process. Sites using the old interface likely want to use the "Prescreen" element instead of this one.


Displays links for print profiles. Typically used in the View Menu section, but works in Action Menu as well. A common side bar element in the legacy interface.

Profile Views

Displays links to any profile views. New interface only. See Profile Views for more information.


Displays information on rejected matters (reject date, reject reason, etc.). This element is typically placed in the Side Bar section because the Snapshot New (and Snapshot) elements are not displayed in the side bar on rejected matters.

Rejected Options

Displays an "Options" box on rejected matters that includes several links appropriate for rejected matters. Typically placed in the Action Menu section if it is used.


Can display links for creating tasks, deadlines, and events, and scheduling into appointment slots. This element also has a multi-select box for disposition to control when it displays.

Snapshot New

Displays summary information about a case. Intended for the Side Bar section only. The legacy Snapshot element is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

View Information

A legacy element that can display several static links.

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