Group and Language Block

Note: Many sites create a separate intake for group clients instead of using this block. This allows the Group client intake to be streamlined and avoid fields that are not applicable to group clients like most demographic questions and financial questions.

Displays the "Group" Yes/No question, and an optional Language dropdown field.

If "No" is selected, the Group field for the applicant will be set to No and the Language dropdown will remain on the screen. If "Yes" is selected, the Group field for the applicant will be set to Yes, and the Language dropdown will be hidden.

On a prescreen form, if the "Applicant Name (Prescreen)" block is also on the form, the Group and Language selection will change the name fields. For "No", the individual name fields will remain on the screen. For "Yes", the individual name fields will be replaced with an Organization field.

Configuration Options:

* Show Language

* Default Language

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