2018-12-19 Release Notes
Effective: 2018-12-20 for demo sites, 2018-12-28 for live sites.
Holiday Schedule:
Demo and live sites will get this week's updates as noted above.
Demo sites will not get updates on 2018-12-27, but will return the regular update schedule on 2019-01-10.
Live sites will not get updates on 2018-01-04, but will return to the regular update schedule on 2019-01-11.
Equal Rights Advocates prepares to take their online intake live.
86030: The I-290b (5/17/2018) edition immigration form will be pushed to all immigration sites on 2018-12-21.
86134: Fix sorting on the Primary Assignment column on an outreach's Cases list.
86207: Make site specific boolean fields display Yes and No instead of 1 and 2 in files generated from document templates.
86695: Allow adding a new VERA Filing Activity 1 if a previously entered one is removed. Allow the same for Filing Activity 2 and 3.
86879: Change the "Income Source" placeholder text to "Please select" for each Income Entry row displayed by the Financial Information - Alternate block.
99999: Update user profiles with a new Status field. Add system lookup values Naughty, Nice, and NA.