2018-05-02 Release Notes
Effective: 05/03/2018 for demo sites, 05/11/2018 for live sites.
81449: Fixed an issue with allocation fields not appearing when the Contract Attorneys module is enabled and a case is assigned to the system Contract program.
81886: The I-864 (3/6/2018) immigration form will be pushed to all sites on 5/4/2018.
81946: Added a "Return to Case" link to Service/Phase profile pages.
82449: The "Add/Edit Contract Information" side/action element (available as part of the Contract Attorneys module) now displays a "Contract Attorney" section in an Actions menu, and a link to the contract attorney information page.
82530: The Address block no longer causes an error if "Show Address and Apt/Lot" is unchecked but "Ask for Institution" is checked.
82531: Lack of the user role permission "Allow user to view other user's profiles" will now prevent access when clicking another user's name in a list of users on an outreach.