Auto Create Folders Blocks

There are two related blocks that create one or more folders and subfolders on a record when a form is saved: Auto Create Folders and Auto Create Folders - Problem Code Limited.

Auto Create Folders - Problem Code Limited only works in the Matter module.

Auto Create Folders works in any module that supports a document structure (case/matter, outreach, grants, etc.).

These blocks are typically placed on the last form in a record creation process, for example the disposition step of an intake process for matters, creating a default folder structure for cases. Neither block can be on the first step of a create process, like an intake. Neither block displays elements to users on the form.

The blocks will work on branch logic forms. Example: You want to have different folders created based on Intake Program, or Special Legal Problem Code, or Applicant Hair Color, etc. A possible configuration is to add a Branch Logic block to the Disposition form (probably hidden), toggling on your field of choice. The corresponding branch logic forms each have the Auto Create Folders block on them with different configurations.

Do not include special characters like slashes ("/" or "\") or ampersands ("&") in the folder names you add. A typical replacement for "/" is a dash "-".

Configuration Options

The Auto Create Folders configuration initially displays a blank Folder Name text box and +/- buttons. Enter a name to create a folder by that name. Click the + button to add a new row with a blank Folder Name. The second and later rows also contain an "Add as a subfolder" checkbox. Check that box to create a subfolder under the preceding row's folder.

The Auto Create Folders - Problem Code Limited configuration displays the same elements to create folders and subfolders. It also contains a multi-select list of legal problem codes. The folder(s) specified in the block will only be created if the matter's legal problem code matches one of those selected. This allows different folder structures for different types of cases. The block can be added to a form with one set of folders for housing problem codes. Another instance of the block can be added to the form with a different set of folders for family law cases, another instance for tax cases, and so on.

For both blocks only one level of subfolders can be created. For example: A "Discovery" folder, followed by an "Interrogatories" folder with subfolder checked will create Interrogatories as a subfolder of Discovery, but another folder after Interrogatories with subfolder checked will not create a subfolder of Interrogatories, but another subfolder under Discovery.

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