2022-01-26 Release Notes


🏁 Joy, excitement, and other emotions, as the nice folks at Casa Cornelia Law Center prepare to go live next week. 🏁

Changes and Updates

⏳ Effective for demo sites on 2022-01-27, then on live sites on 2022-02-04. ⏳

LS-78886: Small, but helpful, refinements to the counts of "Users with login permission" and "Currently logged in users" on the Admin > Metrics page.

LS-82219: The "Enabled Add-On Modules and Integrations" section of the Admin > Metrics page now does a better job of distinguishing if AGM is enabled versus its little sister Electronic Verification of Time.

LS-83261: There is a shiny new Send Password Reset Link block available. Only useful if you have users who forget their passwords. If you are the rare site administrator with that problem, you are sure to enjoy clicking a button instead of manually entering a temporary password and securely getting that to the person.

LS-83301: If you care about US addresses, and have your Address block configured to display either or both County fields, you may notice the display sometimes including the state, like "Pulaski - AR" (or GA, IL, IN, KY, MO, or VA). Surely we will eventually get to the full ISO 3166-2 codes ("Pulaski - US-AR"), ("Coventry - GB-COV"), ("British Columbia - CA-BC"), etc.

LS-83797: A new "Automatic Grant Restriction Exception" block is available in the user module. For when you want to do automatic things with grant restrictions.

LS-83828: Electronic case transfers will now include income rows with a $0.00 amount. Online applicants seem particularly fond of entering such information. Previously not transfered, and thus unknown to your intake kids, now they will see the full story.

LS-84701: The Attributes section of Reports gets a new setting: "List Separator (for multiple values in a cell)". This lets you change from the default comma (",") separator to a semicolon (";") (or any characters of your choice, up to 5). Useful if you have, for example, Special Legal Problem Codes like "Tax Controversy under $50,000" and "Tax Controversy $50,000 or More". The commas in the dollar amounts could confuse things if you export the data or yank it with the Report API.

LS-84412: The filters in the Upcoming Events list view that may adorn your home page will no longer do unexpected things just by casting your gaze upon them in edit mode.

LS-84413: Case Bundlistas will enjoy greater control over which rosebuds to display in the Activity Log list view on cases. The default is to show records related to the current matter only (as if Bundles wasn't enabled). With options (you love options) to filter by "This Case And Bundle Only" and "All Case And Bundle Records." When the list appears on a bundle record (instead of a case), the filter options change to "This Bundle and All Case Records" (the default) and "This Bundle Only."

LS-84518: The Enhanced Charges block will now properly display the Penalty Class (if there is one) for a charge. 

LS-84599: Your shiny dynamic calendar event form lets people associate the event with one or more cases. The search results therein will now include the Cause Number. As someone starkly stated: "PDs live and die by their Cause Numbers."

LS-84615: Try very hard to keep long field labels in an online intake from pushing the submit button ("Continue", "Next", etc.) off the screen to the right on phones (or other small screens). Not all of us would instinctively grab the page with our thumb and drag the rest of the page into view.

LS-84674: The Activities block decided to start showing the Venue field twice (if configured to display it), and show duplicate Activity Presets. Not good. Not good. All sites updated with the fix on 2022-01-20.

LS-84684: The Admin > Lookups > County list now has filters for State and Service Area.

LS-84871: The system Cause Number field (cause_number, if you have changed the short name) is now included in Quick Case Copy and Create New Case for Client processes.

LS-84900: Multilingualists will enjoy the ability to translate the Military Service lookup values into each and every language enabled on a site.

LS-84904: Setting the profile view for cases by Legal Problem Code needed more work. Fix pushed out to all sites by 7:30pm EST (UTC-05:00) on 2022-01-25.

LS-84907: Scheduling into appointment slots stopped working properly last Friday. Very, very not good. Fixed pushed out to all sites by noon EST (UTC-05:00) that day.

LS-84949: The "Other Cases for Client" list view can now display the Date Closed column. Clever people are using this list at closing to help determine if a case is a dreaded "Duplicate". Showing the Date Closed in the list will save a lot of "Right Click, Open in New Tab, find Date Closed" drudgery. (If you are scratching your head at the significance of Date Closed in this context, you probably aren't LSC funded.) Also, as part of our Small Touches Initiative, we replaced the list's generic "Cases" title with an eponymous one.

Over 50 years ago, these nice folks opened a storefront on the Lower East Side, envisioning a society in which there is justice for all. The name has changed. The vision is the same. We're happy to have been a part of that work for 8 years this month.

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