2023-01-18 Release Notes


Send congratulations to your friends and colleagues at these organizations as they prepare to go live:

🚀 Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund

🚀 Michigan Appellate Defender

🚀 Washington Innocence Project

🚀 Wyoming Children's Law Center

Offer words of encouragement and the benefit of your wisdom as a seasoned LegalServer Site Administrator. Also a great opportunity to expense a ski trip if you have even a tenuous connection with anyone at WCLC.

Changes and Updates

â³ Effective for demo sites on 2023-01-19, then on live sites on 2023-01-27. â³

API Mavens should visit the always informative API Changelog. Possibly a new reflection endpoint (can't have enough of those); an API request made with an API user whose password has expired, or requires a reset, will get a 401 response (instead of HTML);  and so much more.

LS-91862: The Judge block on a litigation form will only show you contacts that have the Contact Type of Judge. The block also provides a handy-ish "Create New Judge Contact" link. That link will now let you choose the Contact Type (in addition to the Case Contact Type) for the new judge contact record. Currently, you use the link, create the contact, discover the judge still doesn't show up on your litigation form, and then have to separately go find the new contact record and set the Contact Type to Judge.

LS-93217: The Enhanced Charges block will hide the big shiny "Delete" button if you have configured such in the block or if the charge is the first/only charge. Previously it would also be hidden if the charge had a statute number or a charge category, but those criterions were deemed unhelpful.

LS-93868: If a call made by the Generic Outgoing API block results in a 202 response, the case note (if you've chosen to store the response in one) will no longer just say "Error 202", but something more prosaic and human friendly.

LS-94690: Update the dropdown selects on the Documate mapper tool. For the better.

LS-96068: Accessibility: Some color contrast changes to navigation tabs and breadcrumbs. #4F4F4F, #1B5679, and such were mentioned.

LS-96960: InCert pages will now display a circle in front of "Yes" as well as "No" when the helpseeker is asked a boolean question.

LS-97146: Data in Intake Guided Navigation Logs could cause the referral page for an etransfer to go wonky (colloquially: not render correctly), and prevent you from actually making the transfer. Ouch. Fixed.

LS-97197: If a hapless online intaker should be shown referral information for an organization (based on ReferralHub data), and that organization has not configured Hours of Operation for its services, show the online intaker what information is available, instead of an error page.

LS-97200: You added an Expression for "Matter/Case ID# in ...", then entered a comma-separated list of case numbers. Then you were a sad maven when you tested and your expression didn't do anything. The Maven Support Unit has improved expressions so IN and NOT IN expressions will better handle comma-delimited values. If you are tempted to ask for support for your favorite non-comma delimiter, resist it.

LS-97349: The Affirmative Litigation block, often used in overall CSR Eligibility, will now set both the "CSR 1636 Affirmative Litigation Compliance" and "LSC Affirmative Litigation Compliance" fields.

LS-97391: "End Date" is now an available column in the Users list view, which likely adorns your shiny dynamic Users section front.

LS-97415: You put the Multiple Outcomes v2 block in your guided navigation segment of wonder. You configured the block. You saved your segment. Et voilà? Umm ... no. But your configurations will save after this fix lands.

LS-97473: The Timeslip Splitting object and Timeslip Replication object blocks could be added to a site without Advanced Grants Management, but that only ended in errors. Now you won't see these blocks as available to add to forms. And if they happen to already be on a form (just waiting to cause sadness for your hapless users), a nice note will appear instead of buttons that give false hope. A future ticket will change the block names to "Object" once we restock our supply of uppercase O letters.

Anniversary Celebration

Who: ULA

What They Do: Attorneys, second-year, and third-year law students provide legal advice, representation, and counseling without charge to low-income community members. And Vicki keeps the train running on time.

Live with LegalServer: January 2009

Weather: 41/32 (5/0C). Rain transitioning to snow overnight.

Honolulu Comparison: 81/67 (27/19C). Blue skies and puffy white clouds.

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