Financial Impact Block
Configuration Options:
* Show Asset Calculation
* Default Asset Amount had Legal Aid not intervened to Total Assets in the Household
* Make Asset Amount with Legal Aid intervention required
* Make Asset Change in Amount required
* Calculate Change in Asset Amount (note: implemented effective 2/23/2018)
* Make Change in Asset Amount editable (check this option until the calculation above is implemented)
* Show Income Calculation
* Default Income Amount had Legal Aid not intervened to Total Income in the Household
* Make Income Amount with Legal Aid intervention required
* Make Income Change in Amount required
* Calculate Change in Income Amount (note: implemented effective 2/23/2018)
* Make Change in Income Amount editable (check this option until the calculation above is implemented)
* Show Debt Calculation
* Default Debt Amount had Legal Aid not intervened to Total Monthly Expenses in the Household
* Make Debt Amount with Legal Aid intervention required
* Make Debt Change in Amount required
* Calculate Change in Debt Amount (note: implemented effective 2/23/2018)
* Make Change in Debt Amount editable (check this option until the calculation above is implemented)