2016-05-25 Release Notes
Effective: Demo sites 05/26/2016; Weekly sites 06/03/2016; Monthly sites 07/01/2016
North Penn Legal Services is live with LegalServer.
69242: Clinic is now an available column on the "Case/Matter - Cases" list view. If a case is linked to a clinic event this column displays the Clinic name. Clinic is also a multi-select filter on the list.
70397: Fixes for the Quick Organization Referral block affecting a small number of sites.
70613: The Admin > Configure Case Transfer page has two new settings. One allows the "Consent to Transfer" field to be hidden and defaulted to Yes on e-transfers. The other is a text box allowing site administrators to configure the text in the yellow instruction box below the Electronic Case Transfer heading .
71138 and 71373: Made subtables available in reports for several MLP lookup fields, for both Case Data and Outreach/Other Matter reports.
71375: Fixed an "undefined listview" error message for the MLP list views available for dynamic organization records.
71376: Made several new columns available in the MLP Cases list view.
71377: Made several new columns available in the MLP Outreaches list view.