Problem Code/Special Problem Code Block
Displays the Legal Problem Code field with dual options to select a code by entering a number in a box or using the dropdown list to display and choose a code.
Problem codes and special problem codes are administered in Admin > Lookups. Special problem codes, if you use them, are tied to problem codes to display only the appropriate information. For example, the problem code "01 Bankruptcy", might have separate special problem codes for "Chapter 7" and "Chapter 13". If that problem code is selected, only those two special problem codes will appear in the list.
Related: If your Lookups list contains a "Legal Problem Codes" value that errors when you click it, edit the "Problem Codes" one instead.
Configuration Options:
Allow multiple special problem codes - this option makes the special problem code field display on the form underneath the problem code, and allows you to select more than one special problem code.
Default problem code - allows you to have a specific problem code initially displayed instead of "Please select".
Problem code required
Show Problem Code Text Area - this is the small box that appears next to the LPC dropdown. It allows the user to enter "37", for example, and when they click or tab out of that box the corresponding LPC of "37 Domestic Violence" will be selected.
Show Special Problem Code
Default Special Problem Code (new as of 2022-07-01)
Special Problem Code Required
Special Problem Code Default Empty - allows you to have the special problem code field appear blank, instead of defaulting to the first special problem code that matches the problem code selected. Recommended, because you usually don't want the first SLPC to be blindly recorded, and people will not deselect the first value that will otherwise be recorded.
Show Problem Code Category - displays the category above the LPC dropdown, and limits the LPCs available.
Problem Code Category Required
Hidden - hides all elements. This allows a default LPC to be set in the background when the form is submitted. Note: If his option is used, you likely want to also check the "Special problem code default empty" option to avoid having the first available SLPC saved.
Default Overrides Existing Value - applies to the default LPC, if any, configured in the above option.