Anonymizing Demo Site Data
Demo sites can contain real client data, whether entered by staff with access to the demo site, or if a demo site has been copied from a live site.
You can have some of the more sensitive data on a demo site anonymized:
- To have this done as part of copying your live site to demo, add the required language below to that support request.
- To have this done separately, file a support request from the demo site (Help menu > Support Request).
Required language for either option above:
"I authorize LegalServer to anonymize data on our demo site and to bill us $500.00."
After we received the support request, we will send an invoice. This typically takes place within a week of receiving payment.
Please do not contact us with arguments that obfuscation and anonymization are different things.
Fields that are Anonymized
- First, Middle, and Last names on the person table are anonymized by replacing each with a random value from a list of fictional names. Excluded are the names of users with Login Active = Yes.
- Login/usernames are not changed, so the login credentials for the demo site do not change.
- Email addresses. Excluded are the email addresses of users set to Login Active = Yes, to allow them to login if SSO or MFA is enabled on the site.
- SSN, A Number, Visa Number, Address 1, Address 2, DOB, and phone number fields.
- Note subjects and bodies, as are note draft subjects and bodies.
- Activity record notes.
- Timeslip Activity Details.
- Document names that are not templates.
- Callback notes.
- The "To phone" and "From phone" in SMS logs are set to 555-555-1212. Error message and body text are anonymized.
- Twilio (SMS) credentials are removed.
- Text in custom text fields unless the contents are all numbers.
- HUD Settings, if any.
- Case Bundle labels, if enabled.
- The cause_number field (site administrators often change the Short Name of this field).
- Data in the Contractor module, if enabled.
Notable Fields that are not Anonymized
- Case Title.
- Group client names.
- SharePoint/Google/Dropbox File Links are preserved.