Restricting Access to a Report

By User Role

The Attributes section of each report has a Roles list:

If a user's role is not selected and they click a report name to run it, they will get a page saying "You are not allowed to view this report".

NB: Anyone whose user role as the "Report Management" permission (likely you if you are reading this article) will be able to run (and edit) all reports.

By IP Address

LegalServer has the ability to restrict overall user access based on IP addresses. A user connecting from an unspecified location can have limited access based on their user role.

You can use that feature to restrict access to a report. This can be useful if you want to ensure that certain reports containing personally identifiable information or other sensitive data aren’t being run in court hallways, airports, internet cafes, or other public areas.

To use this feature, you must have internal and external networks defined: Restricting Access to LegalServer by IP Address

To use that feature in reports, enable the setting on the Admin > Site Settings page:

The Attributes section of each report will then have a new option to "Disallow Access from External IP Range".

Note: This option also affects API calls for that report made via the Reports API.  

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