Reports - Addresses

County of Residence

This field is on the Case Data > Person > Primary Home Address > Address > County of Residence table.

Client Addresses

Home Address fields are on the Case Data > Person > Primary Home Address > Address table.

Mailing Address fields are on the Case Data > Person > Primary Mailing Address > Address table.

Note the use of the Primary subtables above. There is also an Addresses (One Row Per Address) subtable. But if you pull fields from that subtable you could get multiple rows per case. Every case has a primary home address, many will have a primary mailing address, and some could have many more (see the next paragraph).

Institutionalized At

The Address block can be configured to collect an organization where the client is located. The name of that organization is Case Data > Person > Institution > Organization Name. The address fields (Street, City, etc.) are in the usual location.

Other Client Addresses and address history can be collected with the Address Extended block. If your site uses that block, in addition to the above subtables, the Case Data > Person > Addresses (one row per address) subtable will be useful. 

Permanent Address fields (collected via the Permanent Address block) are in the Fields list of the top level Case Data table. This is not technically a 'client' address since the information is stored directly on the case, not on the client person table. Most sites do not collect this.

Contact's Addresses

A contact can have a home address and a work address. One of these addresses can be marked preferred.

A contact's work address depends on the Bind to Organization Address setting on the contact's profile. If Bind is set to Yes, the contact's work address is the address of the organization he or she is affiliated with. If Bind is set to No, the contact's work address is contained in the fields prefixed "(Individual) Work".

Here are the fields available in the Contacts > Contact Addresses table:

  • Person Full Address: the full home address in one field.
  • Work Full Address: the full work address (depends on the Bind to Organization setting).
  • Preferred fields: the various work or home fields depending on the Preferred setting.
  • Org fields: the address fields of the contact's affiliated organization, if any.
  • Home fields: the various home address fields.
  • Work fields: the various work address fields (depends on the Bind to Organization setting). 

Primary Assignment's Address

A primary assignment, like all users, can have different addresses. The most common desire is for the name of the primary assignment's current organization affiliation, and that organization's address. These fields are available under the Case Data > Primary Assignment > Advocate > Current Organization Affiliation > Organization Information subtable. Organization Name is a field on that subtable, and the Primary Address subtable under it contains the address fields.

Filtering by Zip Code or City

You can filter on either or both, but both are text fields, so a report filter doesn't behave like a filter on a lookup field. You don't see a list of cities or zip codes to pick from.

The default filter style for text fields is "comma separated values", so you could enter "90210,90211,99000" etc. Likewise for city: "san diego,el cajon".

For some reports, changing the style to "contains" can be helpful. A broad example is a "contains" filter on city set to "san" would pull San Francisco, San Diego, Picosan, etc.

Using the option to change the Label of the filter is recommended, so people running the report will know if the filter is "City (contains the text)" or "Zip Codes (comma separated values)", etc.

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