Reports - Outcomes
See below for the original/classic Outcomes V1.
Outcomes V2
Case Data > Outcomes V2 (One Per Row) contains multiple fields and subtables where you can pull as much detail as needed.
Older reports may have a Case Data > Outcomes V2 Split subtable. If you need to add or remove OV2 fields, we recommended deleting this subtable and using the one above.
A common question is how to make outcomes appear in columns instead of multiple rows per case. The short answer is that you can't, at least not in the way you may be thinking. This is not possible:
O1 Group | O1 Type | O1 Date | O1 Amount | O2 Group | O2 Type | O2 Date | O2 Amount | O3 Group ... etc.
If you need a total of the Amounts per case, you can do that by putting the Amount column on the report and applying a Sum aggregate to that column (and aggregating the corresponding Database ID in Hidden Columns to Min).
You can use the Lookup Transform Index feature to, for example, pivot Outcome Group lookup values into columns. Can be useful for counting, or just display purposes for some funders. Note well, Virginia, this will not be a one row per case report, but still a one row per outcome report.
Crosstabs are also useful on OV2 data. You can count outcomes in various ways or add up the values in various ways.
Outcomes V1
Case Data > Outcomes > Outcome provides a concatenated list of outcome information on a case in one cell.
Example: "Child Support: $100.00 (01/01/2010), Alimony: $200.00 (12/21/2011)"
Useful on reports that need to display outcomes in a single row per case format. If this Outcome field is used as a filter, the Comparison Type option must be set to "Is any of substring".
Case Data > Outcome [Multi Lookup] > Outcome provides a comma separated list of all outcome names on a case in one cell.
Example: "Child Support, Alimony"
Useful on reports that need to display outcomes in a single row per case format.
Case Data > Outcomes (one row per outcome) produces a one row per outcome report. It provides subtables and fields that allow reporting on each outcome's name, category, date, frequency, amount, value, etc. Useful when you need to count outcomes and/or total values.
The Amount field is the number entered on the form by the user. The Value field is the annualized amount for outcomes with a monthly frequency. So if the user enters Child Support, Monthly Recovery, $500, the Amount field will display 500 and the Value field will display 6,000.
Older reports may have a Case Data > Outcomes Split subtable. If you need to add or remove fields, we recommended deleting this subtable and using the one row per subtable above.