
Purpose: This feature allows agencies to collect applicant/client pronouns in a system field alongside gender.

Availability: Available for all sites. If you don't see the options described, file a support request from your site (Help menu > Support Request). There is no cost. 

Current Limitation: This functionality is only available on the client record of the case/matter module. 


Administrators assign a value in the gender lookup to a default pronoun string (i.e.: the value of ‘Man’ can be assigned a default value of ‘him/his/himself’). When a user collects this data from an applicant (or when an applicant is filling out an online application) the user can leave the default value or change the value to any of the options listed in the pronoun lookup. If no pronoun lookup value is appropriate, they can use the system value “Specify/Other” and enter the applicant's pronoun. 

Once entered, the value in the pronoun field can be displayed on a profile, changed in an auxiliary form, used in document templates, electronically transferred, and added to a report.

Administrative Set Up

  • Create (or edit) the list of default pronouns in the Pronoun lookup on Admin > Lookups.
    • Please note: The system value “Specify/Other” has special powers described below, please do not disable it.
    • You can rename it. The author’s favorite option is “Not Listed”. 
  • Assign a default pronoun to your Gender lookup values on Admin > Lookups . These are only defaults. Applicants and users can select any option in the pronoun lookup when actually entering the information.
  • Navigate to the form(s) where you are collecting and editing gender information, and replace the current input (typically a field) with the block “Gender/Pronoun”.
    • Note: When entering gender, the pronoun field defaults to the value assigned in the gender lookup. The user or applicant entering this information can change the value for the record they are working on. If the user or applicant selects “Specify/Other” the fields for pronoun strings will appear so they can enter their specific pronouns.
  • To use in document templates, map the variables to the correct  “Custom Pronoun Substitution” field in Case Information > Client. 
  • This information will be automatically electronically transferred. Typical lookup value mapping requirements apply (
  • To pull this information into reports head over to Case Data Table > Person > Preferred Pronoun [Lookup] > Preferred Pronoun. 
  • You can add the field "Preferred Pronoun" to your case profile etc.

Note: Preferred Pronoun can be a loaded term, and if you would like to change it (i.e.: remove the “Preferred” part of “Preferred Pronoun”) go to the field profile and edit the short name. Nothing will break.

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