2023-08-23 Release Notes


🚀 Everyone is excited about Southeast Louisiana Legal Services going live next week.


🔄 Effective on 2023-08-24 for demo sites, then 2023-09-01 for live sites. 🔄

API Mavens should check the always informative API Changelog for updates and news.

LS-93534: The Admin > Site Settings page still has "Disallow all versions of Internet Explorer IE 6 and 7 are never allowed." It was fun explaining to kids why that was added years ago, but thankfully the dark days of IE (any version) are well behind us, so we're removing it.

LS-101184: Putting the Retainer on File block on the first form of an intake resulted in a broken intake. Now the form will load and work, but display a friendly note that the block can't be used there.

LS-104018: The HUD Median API block needs several fields to work, and it displays some of them along with the results. Instead of making you guess about what data it is using, or what data may be missing, or go poking around the case in possibly various places, we will now also display Intake Date, State, County of Residence, and FIPS Code.

LS-104637: Custom fields must currently have a unique Short Name and Description. We're removing the uniqueness requirement on Description.

LS-104688: The Tasks list view on a home page thwarted any and all efforts to hide the "Client Name" column. Doing such (after the effective date of this fix) should spark joy.

LS-104705: Many of you have adorned your user profiles with the User Event Log list view. It's nice, but often a long, long list that cries out for filterability. Cries heard. You can now filter on Log Type and User Performing Change.

🍀 LS-104790: Giving someone a username like "ao'hanlan" is mostly okay, but "mostly" isn't exactly a great standard for usability. With apologies to all the Ardals, Saoirses, much of the cast and crew of Derry Girls, and others, your apostrophes are now fully supported.

LS-105242: Twilio is sometimes sending us a text, but also returning a spurious "failed" status. News to us, because we got the text and processed it. Now everyone is confused, so we're going to ignore their spuriosity and not mark received and processed texts as "failed".

LS-105285: Trying to unlink a deleted session file doesn't work. Fair enough, but it shouldn't cause an error for the hapless user who wouldn't know what a session file was if it bit them. So now it won't.

LS-105286: Did you know a single quote character in a form name (like "Tenants' Rights") could send a Guided Navigation dialogue on said form into a Loading spinner of death spiral? Us either. Fixed.

📫 LS-105647: The Address block on a case profile displays 9 digit zips as "123456789". Extensive polling revealed 9 out of 10 people would prefer "12345-6789", so that's what we went with.

Anniversary Celebration

Who: DCBar

What They Do: Transform lives by providing free legal assistance to individuals, nonprofit organizations, and small businesses through volunteer lawyers.

Live with LegalServer: August 2008

Weather: 83/68 (28/20C). Mostly cloudy.

Dallas comparison: 103/84 (39/29C). Sunny.

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