Pathfinder - Calendar
This content is geared to agencies onboarding with LegalServer. While most of this content is timeless, relevant, and all around useful, not all of it will be applicable if you are currently live with LegalServer.
The calendar module in LegalServer allows you to record events, tasks and deadlines for a case, an outreach, a grant or just for the user.
Events have a start and stop time, or can be set to all day, appear in events listviews throughout the site, and appear on the Day/Week/Month view of the calendar under the calendar tab. You can create an Event that is associated with a case, an outreach, or a grant or one that is just for the user.
Tasks appear on the task listviews that appear on a users homepage by default, as well as on the profile of any case, grant or outreach that you created the task for.
Deadlines are a special type of tasks that appear in both the task lists and in the Day/Week/Month view of the calendar. You can schedule any of these for cases, grants or outreaches, although you do not need to.
Where to Start
Determine which record types your agency will use
- Typically agencies create policies regarding the use of the calendar and deadline records, while allowing users to implement tasks depending on their own needs. Establish any policies you staff may need regarding these modules.
- Create a calendar event, a task and a deadline.
- Confirm that Calendar, Task and Deadline types (the lookup) match your needs.
- If you use the calendar, test the ical link on your user profile.
- Confirm the appropriate listview(s) appear on your client profile.