Help and Training

General Questions

If this site doesn't answer your question, you should contact a site administrator or other resource inside your organization.

Site administrators (staff within your organization that can change LegalServer, add and remove users, etc.) will understand how LegalServer works and, more importantly, how LegalServer has been changed to reflect your organization's policies and workflow. LegalServer staff could, for example, explain how to reject an intake, but would not know if, or when, it is appropriate to reject an intake under organization policy.

In this Article:


  • LegalServer staff provide several free help sessions and trainings via web sessions. We love to share what we know. See the schedule below, or here if the calendar doesn't load on this page.
  • Sessions designated "Office Hours" are a chance to ask questions. Other sessions may or may not allow questions.
  • Sessions do not require you to register unless indicated.
  • The LegalServer Youtube Channel has many videos.
  • Emailing is always free.


We also provide paid training and support to individual organizations via web session at $300/hour. Contact us at

  • Web sessions are limited to 100 attendees. Multiple people in a conference room viewing a shared screen only count as one attendee.
  • Contact us if you are scheduling a session that will need up to 500 attendees. There isn't a cost for this, but LegalServer staff need to enable this for a given session.

Intensive Trainings

We offer two intensive trainings each year, our virtual Spring Training and our Fall Summit. Led by our top notch LegalServer staff, these trainings provide an opportunity to spend dedicated time sharpening your LegalServer skills, learning about new and innovative offerings from LegalServer, and connect more deeply with the wider LegalServer community. For more information and announcements see LegalServer Intensive Trainings.

Before Go Live

If your site is preparing to go live with LegalServer see Training Before Go Live.

Office Hours and Training Calendar

LegalServer staff provide several free trainings via web sessions each week. No cost, no registration required. See the schedule below, or use this link if the calendar doesn't load on this page. Use this link if you want to download an ics file to subscribe to the calendar.

Office Hours are the chance to ask us questions.

Time Zone Alert: Check the bottom line of the calendar frame below for the time zone. If you don't see a time zone displayed, you may need to convert. For reference, Monday Office Hours start at 12:00pm Eastern. If you see some other time, your browser is likely converting the displayed times to your time zone.

Support Request Priority and Response

Support hours are 7:30am - 7:30pm Eastern.

Support requests are generally reviewed within 30 minutes of being filed.

Some organizations need/want a "severity level" or "severity index", so here you go.

Priority is assigned as follows:

  • Level 1: Site is unreachable or not responding (NB: We have a monitoring system that alerts us to a site being unreachable). Support staff will immediately escalate to all developers and other support staff, and track progress until the issue is resolved. (Response of 30 minutes or less during work hours)
  • Level 2: Critical features are not working. For example intakes cannot be completed, case notes cannot be added, or time cannot be entered. Support staff will escalate to the on-call or appropriate developer. (Response of 30 minutes or less during work hours)
  • Level 3: Users are getting an error using other features of the application. (Response of 1 hour or less during work hours)
  • Level 4: A feature is not working as expected. (Response of 1 day or less during work hours)
  • Level 5: A feature change or new feature request. (Response of 1 week or less during work hours)
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