Mass / Bulk Edit Information
Summary of available features to mass update / bulk edit various bits of information.
Batch Funding Code Update Tool
Allows updating the funding code on multiple cases, outreaches, or timeslips in one process.
Batch Pro Bono Assignment Attempt
Allows the bulk assigning of attempts to pro bono users on various cases.
Allows editing the Disposition, Disposition Date, and Notes on any number of charges for a case.
Bulk Edit Client Information on Cases (Beta Testing)
Allows editing selected fields across some or all cases associated with a client profile (the page seen when you click a client's name instead of a case number). Contact information such as address, email address, and phone numbers. Demographic information such as Date of Birth, Race, Gender, and Language. A case note is created on each case in which information is changed.
Allows changing the Case Title on multiple cases.
Allows editing multiple service/phase records on a case.
Edit Multiple Users Simultaneously
Allows editing a select list of fields on multiple user accounts.
Funding Code Timekeeping Change Block
Allows editing the funding code on multiple timeslips on a case in batch fashion.
Allows the renaming, reordering, activation, or deactivation of all lookup values in a given system lookup.
Allows reassigning multiple matters to another user. This can helpful, for example, when a user leaves an organization.
Allows changing the association on multiple events, tasks, and deadlines from one user to another user.