Example Reports

This page contains a list of example reports. To get one on your site:

  • Click the report name to download the XML file.
    • Your browser may try to preview the file (and it will look like gibberish); if it does, use the download button in the preview window.
  • Import the XML file you downloaded to your site using Actions menu > Import Reports on the main Reports page .
    • If your site doesn't have an "Import Reports" Actions menu link on the main Reports page, add "/import" to the end of the URL. The URL will look like "https://xyz.legalserver.org/report/import", where "xyz" is your site's abbreviation.

These reports are provided as examples. You must review and edit these sample reports as needed. For example, a "pro bono case" might be a case with a current pro bono assignment, or a case assigned to a specific office, program, or advocate, or a case with the "PAI" field set to Yes, or something else. Therefore an example report on "pro bono cases" may need editing to return the correct cases for your site.

NB: Some of these reports will import as inactive. That's mostly intentional. If you imported a report and don't see it, remove the Active = Yes filter on the list. You can of course make the report active on your site if desired.

Also see: Reports Manual

Activities Report

Basic report on activity records (created via the Add Activity link).

Address Search

Allows searching via filters on the client primary home address fields. But see also the Address Search page.

Age-Race Report

Standard report with a crosstab. Also demonstrates the use of Bins to group numeric fields like Age at Intake into groups like 0-17, 18-59, etc.

Ages All Household Members

Demonstrates the use of the Case Data > All Household People Associated with a Case table to get demographic information on the full household. Assumes detailed family information is being collected.

Applicants with Multiple Applications

  • Display a list of people who have applied during a date range and also had previous applications.
  • The report groups applicants that have the same name, date of birth, and gender. It displays the case numbers for all applications ever made by that person and a count of the number of applications. By default, it only displays applicants with more than one application.
  • The report uses the "Date of Earliest" column, which displays the earliest of prescreen date, intake date, or date opened. This allows reporting on applications whether they started as prescreens or intakes, and will include imported cases with a date opened that might not have either a prescreen or intake date.
  • The filter on Date of Earliest is set to "Apply After Aggregate". This works with the "Max" setting on that column to pull a matter only if the most recent of a group of matters falls within that date range, but does not filter out other matters in that group.

Applications Taken per Year (Bar Graph)

Displays a date as a year only and uses the aggregate feature to group the count of matters by year.

Assignment Information on Cases/Matters

Uses the Case Data > Additional Assignments (One Row per Assignment) table to provide the ability to report on all assignment types: intake, primary, pro bono, etc.

Assignment Information on Cases/Matters (One Row per Advocate per Case)

Uses the Case Data > Additional Assignments (One Row per Assignment) table to report on all assignments. Uses the Group By aggregate on Advocate and the Text Join aggregate on Assignment Type to maintain one row per case where an advocate has multiple assignments on a case (intentionally or because of bad data entry). For example, the Text Join displays multiple assignments as "Intake, Primary" in one row instead of two for a user on a case.

Calendar Event Information

Case/Matter/Prescreen Report

A basic report that uses the "Date of Earliest (Open, Intake, Prescreen)" field to filter for matters, whether they were started as prescreens or as intakes.

Case and Client Alerts

Report on alerts, who dismissed, when, etc. This report is also amenable to being embedded on a case profile to show the full history of alerts on each case.

Cases Closed by Month (Bar Graph)

Closing timely, or a big rush in December?

Cases Closed per Year (Bar Graph)

Cases Closed per Year by Problem Code

Demonstrates the use of a crosstab and formatting a date column like Date Closed to only a year for use in a crosstab.

Cases Closed Count by Advocate

One line per primary advocate, sorted by the number of cases closed.

Case Exclusions

You can exclude users from being able to view specific cases, but you can't currently report on which users are excluded for each case. This report provides two custom columns: A concatenated list of User IDs and a concatenated list of User Names.

Case Funding Code does not match Timeslip Funding Code

A list of cases with a selected case funding code that have timeslips with a different funding code. Each case is listed one or more times with the non-matching timeslip funding code and a count of the number of timeslips that have the non-matching funding code.

Cases in Pending Disposition for More Than X Days

Displays Intake Date and the number of days since intake. Also displays most recent timeslip and the number of days since that date of service.

Case Notes Example (One Column per Type)

Uses the Notes Data (One Column Per Type) table to produce a one row per case report, with any of the singular note types as columns; intake notes, close notes, rejection notes, etc.

Case Notes Example (One Row per Note)

Report and filter on note type, subject, body, date posted, etc. This does not include 'case notes' created from timeslips.

Case Service Report (CSR)

Standard CSR report required by LSC and many IOLTA agencies.

Case Totals by Zip Code

Basic report demonstrating use of a Summation and the Case ID Count column to summarize case counts by zip code.

Cases - Number of Days Open

(NB: A "Number of Days Open" field was added in June 2016, making the special column in this report unnecessary.)

Cases Open During a Range of Dates

Demonstrates the use of the Date Open Range filter, which can display cases that had an open disposition during a range of dates, regardless of when the cases were opened or whether they are now closed. The "range" can also be a single date to show, for example, all cases that were open at the end of the year or a reporting period.

Cases Report with Add a Task Links

The purpose of this report is to let you add one, or both, of the custom "Add a Task" columns to your report library so it is, or both are, available in Add Columns on other case data based reports. The links open a new browser tab and create a task for the case in that row. The links use the static task create process (which most sites use).

Cases with Calendar Events

Uses the Case Data > Associated Calendar Events subtable.

Cases with Deadlines/Tasks

Cases with No Note Entered in X Days

Includes a column showing how many days since the most recent case note, and a default filter of greater than 90. The report does not try to identify cases with no notes at all because matters typically have at least one note (Prescreen Notes or Intake Notes) as soon as they are created.

Cases with No Time Entered

Includes a hidden filter for Total Time for Case is null and displays the number of days each case has been open.

Cases with No Time or No Time Entered in X Days

Extends the previous report using an OR query for 'no time' or 'no time for X days'.

NB: You may need to delete the Program filter from this report after importing, and add it back if you need/want it.

Cases with No Note or Time Entered in X Days

Returns a case if it has no note entered in X days, and either no time entered in X days or no time at all.

Cases with Restrictions or Exclusions

Displays all cases with either a case restriction or a case exclusion. NB: The Case Exclusion User ID column provides the ID rather than the name of the person excluded until LegalServer can add a relevant subtable, and only lists one (of the possibly many) users in that field.

Cases/Matters Days Since Most Recent Note, Timeslip, Activity, or Service

Contains a special column that determines the most recent date of the four types of records and displays the number of days since that date.

Client Addresses

Displays all client address and phone number fields. A good base for creating more focused reports.

Client Email Addresses

A simple report for searching client email addresses. Has a "Contains" filter on that field.

Search > People and Search > Clients have an Email field, but they are exact text matches only.

Client Identifier based on DOB, Name Parts, and Gender

Contains a 'client identifier' custom column that concatenates information from the indicated fields. Useful as an identifier when client names should not be reported.

Clients with more than one case opened in a Period

Uses the aggregate function to group clients that have the same name, date of birth, and gender. It displays the case numbers for all cases for each client that have a Date Opened during the filter range, and a count of the number of cases. By default, it only displays clients with more than one case opened during the period. This report could be adapted to filter on Intake Date or Prescreen Date.

Clients Associated to Cases with Mis-matched Names

Checks to see if the name matches between a given case and the other cases it is associated with. It looks for an exact text match of the name, so missing initials will display results. 

Clinic Cases Example

Matters that are linked to clinic event appointment slots. It demonstrates the use of the top level Clinics report table to report on matter/case information via the Clinics > Clinic Events (one row per event) > Appointments (one row per appointment) > Case subtable.

Clinic Intake Process Check

Shows the Intake Process for each active clinic, so you, or someone, can go fix any that have Quick Case Copy set as the intake process. Which is a bad thing.

Contacts Grouped by Organization

Basic information on Contacts, grouped by affiliated Organization using the Section attribute.

Contacts Information

Name, email, current organization affiliation, and other information from the top level Contacts table.

CSR Eligibility Check

The default filters display any closed case where the individual CSR questions are Yes, but CSR Eligibility is No. Useful for sites that use the CSR questions.

Custom Field Cleanup

Designed to help find duplicate and/or unused custom fields. Displays a list of all custom fields on a site. Includes a handy "Run Find on Forms" link to run that process. Also includes an "Edit Field" link to quickly get you to each field's profile page where you can inactivate, edit, etc.

Date Opened is Earlier than Intake Date

Displays all cases where Date Opened is earlier than Intake Date, and the number of days earlier.

Date Closed is Earlier than Date Opened

Displays all cases where the Date Closed is earlier than the Date Opened, and the number of days earlier. A 'contains' filter on Case ID can be used to filter for a specific 'year'. For example, to only get 12-xxxxxx cases, put "12-" without the quotes into that filter.

Demographics - Age Race Gender of Client and All Household Members

Demonstrates the use of the U (unique values) column total to count the number of cases on a report where the row count is number of people.

Discovery Report with Item Links

Displays Discovery records on cases. Contains a locked filter to show only records with a Title. Report Writers can remove as desired.

Documents Report

Somewhat rough around the edges, somewhat experimental. A report of documents (files) uploaded to a site. Some of the filters you would expect to be lookup style are text-based filters.

Donations Example

A basic report based on the top level Donations table.

Donations from Organizations

Donations Number of Donors

Produces a report that is one row per donor using the aggregate Sum function to total the individual donation amounts from each person into one row. Also includes a count of the number of donations per person.

Donations - Unfulfilled Pledges

Calculates Unfulfilled Pledge Amount (pledge amount minus donation amount), and displays pledges where that amount is greater than zero. Filters are provided for Campaign, Number of Days Donation is Overdue, donor name, etc.

Electronic Case Transfers Received

Cases received via e-transfer from another LegalServer site. Uses the Inbound Transfer Information table.Note: A case can be transferred multiple times. The report uses the Min aggregate on the "Date of Request" column to collapse multiple transfers for a case into one row. Contains a custom column that displays the number of days from the Request Date (the earliest one if there have been multiple transfers) to Intake Date.

Electronic Case Transfers Sent

Cases sent via e-transfer to another LegalServer site. Uses a custom column to filter on the transfer type selected during the referral process.

Florida Specific Reports

These reports are necessarily generic. Organizations using them must review and adjust as needed.

OFLAP Clients Minority/Low Income

OFLAP Clients Minority/Low Income/LEP

OFLAP Closed Cases Report

OFLAP Unduplicated Clients with Demographics

OFLAP Units of Service

Transfers to FBF - Case Detail

Transfers to FBF - Summary - the Transfer Log ID is helpful for filtering the Case Detail report to see which cases had information transferred.

Illinois Cannabis Expungement Reports

Cannabis Expungement Report- System Fields - This has all of the system fields currently required by the project.

Cannabis Expungement Service- Embedded report sample instead of the Service Listview. 

IOLA (NY) Reports

These reports are necessarily generic. Organizations using them must review and adjust as needed.

IOLA GAR A Rejected Applicants


IOLA GAR B Number Helped per Primary Outcome

IOLA GAR B Outcome by Problem Code

IOLA GAR D Impact Cases

IOLA GAR E Financial Benefits Achieved

LSC GAR Reports

These reports are necessarily generic. Organizations using them must review and adjust as needed.

GAR Form G-2 Total Number Served

Separate report from domestic violence because of additional filters used on that report.

GAR Form G-2 Domestic Violence

Uses an OR query in filters to pull cases that have domestic violence present, legal problem code 37, or optionally have a specific funding code. Report writers must confirm the field being used to indicate 'domestic violence present' on their site.

GAR Form G-3 Actual Case Services

Standard crosstab. Uses the "PAI Case" field to distinguish Staff and PAI cases. Report writers must confirm this is the field used by their site. The report is designed to be run once with PAI Case is No for staff cases, then Yes for PAI cases.

GAR Form G-4 Age, Ethnicity, Gender, Veteran

Report writers must confirm the field their site is using to indicate "Veteran" as more broadly defined by LSC in 2012.

GAR Form M Attendee Counts

GAR Form M Brochures and Self Help Materials

GAR Form M Matter Referral Code Counts

GAR Form M Outreach Referral Code Counts

GAR Form M Quick Referral Code Counts

Guided Navigation

Shows a list of guided navigation segments plus the last guided navigation segment accessed as part of an intake.

HUD 9902 Cases

Information about cases that will potentially be included in a HUD ARM electronic transfer.

Incomplete Intakes

A list of incomplete intakes. Includes a column showing the number of days since the Intake Date.

Intakes by Day of the Week Pie Chart

Displays a pie chart by day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) showing the number of intakes on each day. Demonstrates formatting a date like Intake Date as a day of the week.

Intakes Per User Per Month

Counts displayed in a crosstab.

Litigation Information

Fields from the litigation table on matters. Also see the example LSC Case Disclosure report.

LITC Cases,LITC Issues, andLITC Outreach

These example reports must be adapted to how an agency collects and works with LITC information, for example the fields used in filters to identify "LITC" cases and "LITC" outreaches.

LITC Recent Function Worked

This example report pulls details about the most recent IRS Function worked in a particular case. Please note that the filter on the Highest Function Worked will ignore the date filters of the report and will grab the latest function listed in the LITC block (even if it is after the reporting period). 

LSC Case Disclosure required by 1644

Information from litigation records designed to comply with the LSC case disclosure requirements of 45 CFR 1644. This example does not use the new subtables that allow you to pull the client and adverse party names and addresses into separate columns. See the new Litigation Moving Addresses and Litigation Responding Addresses subtables (which contain name fields as well as address fields).

LSC Eligible but PoP is over 125

A basic quality check report that displays cases marked LSC Eligible but percentage of poverty is over 125%. For any case returned, also displays if LSC eligibility was overridden, when, and who overrode it.

LSC Other Services

Example report of data collected with the LSC Other Services block. Uses the special top level table "Combined LSC Other Services (One per Row)", which can pull this data from both case and outreaches.

Lead andMember Cases Example

Each Lead case is displayed in a section along with all of its membercases.

Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) Reports 

(Contributed by Mallory Curran)

MLP All Referrals Received

MLP Closed Rejected Case Report

MLP Open Cases Report

MLP Prescreens Report Active Referrals Report

MLP Referring Provider Staff Report do NOT use for total of cases

Open Case Count per Advocate by Number of Cases

Default filter counts only primary assignments.

Organization Information

Uses the top level Organization table to display organization name, type, address, etc. Demonstrates filtering on a multi-select lookup field (Organization Type) using the "Is any of substring" setting for that filter.

Outcomes - Case Count

Useful to determine how many cases had outcomes, as opposed to counts of outcomes. This report uses the Case Data > Outcomes table, which concatenates all outcomes on a case into one cell, therefore the row count is a case count.

Outcomes (Counts per Outcome)

A data table listing each outcome and the count of the number of times it has been linked to cases.

Outcomes (Values per Outcome)

A data table listing each outcome and the sum of the value fields for each outcome.


Basic report for sites using OutcomesV2.

OutcomesV2 Financial Benefits

Basic report of financial benefits for sites using OutcomesV2.

Outreach Brochures Distributed

Outreach Information

Basic report of outreach fields.

Page Load Counts per User per Day

Summary report showing the page load count for each user for each day in the filtered date range.

Page Load Counts per User

Shows the number of page loads per user during a date range, along with the date and time of the most recent page load for each user.

NB: This report processes a lot of data and is slow to load. Limit the date range and/or the number of users selected.

Page Load Times - Average per Day

Shows a per day average load time for the site, excluding reports by default. Also shows the number of page loads for each day.

Page Loads Slow Pages

Do you have complaints of slow page loads? Includes columns showing whether a document upload or download was involved.

Percentage of Poverty - Lesser of PoP or Adjusted PoP (if any)

Contains a custom column that displays the lesser of the two values if both exist (are not null), with two additional rules.

  • If PoP is null (Income Not Provided selected on the financial form), then a 0 is displayed so that the column isn't blank.
  • If Adjusted PoP is null or 0, then PoP is displayed. Note that this means PoP will be displayed on the rare case where expenses make Adjusted PoP actually equal 0.

Percentage of Poverty Breakdowns

Contains 2 summations (one for PoP, one for Adjusted PoP) that count the number of matters for groups of poverty values (0, 0.01-125, 125.01-200, 200.01-1000) using the bins feature.

Political Boundaries

Basic "GIS" report showing congressional districts and state legislature upper and lower. Has a hidden filter to exclude matters with no zip code (thus assuming at least some address information was entered). Site must have theGIS module enabled. Sites may have other boundary fields that will need to be added.

Prescreen to Intake to Opened to Closed - Number of Days Elapsed (2024-08-12)

Contains custom columns showing the number of days for Prescreen to Intake, Prescreen to Opened, Prescreen to Closed, Intake to Opened, Intake to Closed, and the system field Number of Days Open.

Pro Bono Advocate Time (One Row per Advocate with Total for Period)

Uses aggregates to sum the time for each advocate for the selected period into one cell on the report.

Pro Bono Assignments - One Row per Advocate with Count of Cases Placed during Date Range

Date Range is the Start Date field from the assignments table. Defaults to Assignment Type = Pro Bono, but other type(s) can be selected.

Pro Bono Attorney Accomplishments Summary

Not strictly for pro bono users, but built to show various summaries of what your pro bono users did over a date range. Time entered, cases assigned, donations made, etc. Uses the special Systems Users > Accomplishment Summary subtable.

Pro Bono Cases (Assigned during a Date Range)

Displays any case with a pro bono assignment that has an Assignment Start Date matching the filter. This report is one row per assignment, so a case with 3 pro bono assignments will appear on 3 rows.

Pro Bono Cases (Assigned during a Date Range) (One row per case)

Displays any case with a pro bono assignment that has an Assignment Start Date matching the filter. Uses the aggregate function to return only one row per case regardless of the number of pro bono assignments on a case. A Text Join aggregate is used to display all pro bono user names in one cell, and a Count column is provided to also show the number of pro bono assignments on each case.

Pro Bono Cases - Grouped by Pro Bono Advocate

Displays a list of open cases with a current pro bono assignment. The report is sectioned on the pro bono user name column, and provides a count of assignments for each advocate. A case assigned to 2 pro bono users will appear twice on this report, once in each user section. The report is limited to "current" pro bono assignments, meaning assignments without an end date, by using the Case Data > Current Pro Bono Assignment table. Only cases that have a pro bono assignment is obtained by a filter on assignment start date = Any Date Set.

Pro Bono Panel Contact Information

Phone, email, and organization information for current pro bono users.

Pro Bono Users - by Organization

List of current pro bono users grouped by affiliated organization. Includes columns for number of open cases, closed cases, and total cases. Also includes the Date Closed of the most recently closed case.

Pro Bono Users - by Subject

List of current pro bono users grouped by subject. A subject like "01 Bankruptcy" is displayed, listing all the pro bono users who have that subject in their profile, then "02 Collection", etc.

Pro Bono Users - Earliest Assignment

Produces a list of users whose earliest pro bono assignment is within a date range. Useful to determine which volunteers took their first case this year (or other reporting period).

Publications - A list of publications linked to matters via the Publications block. Includes a summation showing the number linked for each document title.

Random Closed Cases

Uses a special Random Number column to sort a set of cases randomly.

Referral Attempts

Demonstrates use of the Attorney Call Attempts table to report on records created by the "Call" link on the Refer to Pro Bono User page. Only useful if "Use Probono Assignment Attempt Tracking" is enabled on the Admin / Pro Bono Settings page.

Referrals to Outside Organizations

List of referrals to outside organizations grouped by the organization the matter was referred to.

Referred From Information

Referred From is based on the "How did Applicant hear about xyz" field.

Referring Organizations

A list of matters with the referring organizations recorded for each matter. Assumes a site is using the Referring Organizations field.

Report API Loads

Shows a report of all Report API attempts in the last day. Includes a crosstab summarizing reports by user. Warning: This report can produce many thousands of rows. Filter accordingly.

Report Edit Sessions

Show a list of reports and who has loaded each report in an edit session. They may, or may not, have actually saved changes.

Reports Run Counts

Useful for inactivating seldom-used reports. Lists active reports and how many times each one has been run. Provides a handy edit link for each report. NB: Can be very slow to load. Try running it outside of business hours. NB2: Does not count embedded report loads.

SMS Alert Report for Homepage

Contributed by Cleveland Legal Aid. Designed to be embedded on a "My SMS" homepage tab, as an addition to, or replacement of, the SMS Alerts (big red bar) feature. The report pulls case notes created by the SMS feature, not the actual SMS alerts.

The tab should contain an Instruction element similar to: "By default, this shows texts received in the past 7 days on open cases where you are Primary or Co-counsel. You can change the time period and disposition filters. If you do, be sure to click Apply and Refresh."

Staff Time Report

Basic report on timeslips with filters for Activity Type, Activity Code, timeslip Funding Code, etc. Filters by default for the hidden "Pro Bono" field on timeslips set to No to make it a "staff" time report.

Staff Time by Advocate and Time Category

Includes a pie chart by Time Category and a crosstab of each caseworker's time with Time Category in columns.

Staff Time by Advocate and Activity Type

Includes a pie chart by Activity Type and a crosstab of each caseworker's time with Activity Types in columns.

Staff Time Report by Timekeeper with Percentage Breakdowns by Activity Type

Staff time sectioned by timekeeper. Includes a column showing the percentage of each timekeeper's time spent on each activity type, for example 75% on Case Activity, 20% on Supporting Activities, and 5% on Miscellaneous.

Staff Time Report Summary by Date / Timekeeper / Activity Type

Staff time sectioned by Date of Service, then Timekeeper, then Activity Type. Time Spent is totaled for each activity type.

Staff Time Totals by Funding Code

Includes a crosstab with staff as rows and funding codes as columns.

Staff Time Totals by Funding Code Subrows

Useful for sites using Advanced Grants Management. It breaks down each timeslip into its distributed subrow(s). A 5.00 hour timeslip distributed as 4.00 hours to Grant A, 0.50 hours to Grant B, and 0.50 hours to Grant C will appear as 3 rows. The crosstab displays the subrow grants and calculates the subrow time. 

System Administrator Accounts with Login Active

Designed to show old "Administrator" accounts that should be disabled. Displays users with the role "Administrator" that may be able to login, along with the number of days since the last login, and a link to edit the user record.NB: Adjust the User Role filter to broaden the search, or clear it out completely for all users.

System Log

A basic report of all page loads. Not easy to interpret. Warning: This report can produce many thousands of rows. Filter accordingly.

System Log with Changes

Like the System Log report, this report needs to be tightly filtered. Includes a column showing changes made on a form, with Original and Changed values, when available.

Task and Deadline Information

Basic report of task and deadline information. Uses the top level Todo table, so it is not limited to tasks and deadlines that are tied to cases or outreaches.

Tasks on Cases

Tasks and deadlines that are linked to cases. Default filters show pending/open cases with incomplete tasks, sorted by case number and the date tasks were created.

Missing and Incomplete Time

Report of users who have not recorded time, or recorded less than a certain number of hours, for any given date during a range of dates. An explanation of this report is available in the Nuggets section of the Reports Manual. Also see "Time per Advocate per Day (for Weekdays with Less Than X Hours)" below for a version of this report that does not include Saturdays or Sundays.

Time PAI Time

Time report filtered to show only timeslips with the "PAI Time" (Private Attorney Involvement) field set to Yes. This report does not use the hidden "Probono" field on timeslips, and therefore is not limited to reporting on time entered by staff or by pro bono attorneys.

Time Linked to Outreaches

Uses the Outreach > Timekeeping subtable to report timeslip detail only on timeslips linked to outreach records. The equivalent of Case Data > Timekeeping for matters.

Time on Cases During a Range of Dates of Service

Return a list of cases that had timeslips entered during a date range. The report is one row per case. It demonstrates using the Case Data > Timekeeping subtable and aggregating the fields from that subtable so the report is one row per case, not one row per timeslip.

Time per Advocate per Day (for Weekdays with Less Than X Hours)

Report of users who have not recorded time, or recorded less than a certain number of hours, for any given date during a range of dates. Displays the day and the number of hours recorded for each day that is less than the minimum set in the filter. This report does not include Saturdays or Sundays. In the screenshot example, Demo User2 recorded sufficient time on Monday through Wednesday of the week being viewed, where Demo User did not record any time for that week.

Time per Person for Weeks with Less than X Hours

Report of users who have not recorded at least X hours for a week. Displays one row per user for each short week during the date range entered in the filter.

Time Totals per Case per Advocate during a Range of Dates

For each case, all timeslips recorded against the case during the date range are totaled per timekeeper. The timekeeper name column can be removed to display one row per case with the total time. A column is included that displays the number of timeslips that are being collapsed per row. Note: There is a Total Time on Case field available if the dates time was entered is not important.

Trust Account Balances

A list of all cases with a non-zero trust account balance.

Trust Accounts with Nonzero Balance and No Activity for X Years

Uses Aggregate = Max on the trust transaction date to only display the most recent transaction, and filters on the aggregated date as number of years.

Trust Account Balances (Snapshot)

Displays trust account balances as of a specific date (balance sheet or snapshot-style). It only displays trust account balances that are greater than zero by default. Enter the specific date in both the From and To of the Snapshot Range filter.

Trust/Expense Information

Unique Clients by Last, First, DOB

Displays a set of clients, grouped by the Last, First name field. Also displays the client DOB, but with no aggregate, so two clients with the same first and last name but different DOBs will display on two rows.

Race and Gender are also displayed and aggregated; either or both aggregates can be removed to make two people with the same first and last name and DOB but different races or genders not be grouped as the same person. A count of cases is shown for each person. If a person has more than one case, all case numbers are concatenated into one cell with the aggregate Text Join function.

User Account Information and Case Totals

An example of some of the fields available on the System Users table, like case totals, donations, etc.

User Accounts - Failed Login Attempts

Shows accounts with more than one failed login attempt.

User Accounts - Last Login

Designed to identify user accounts that are set Login Active, but have not logged in for X days. By setting the "Last Logged in At" filter to "No Date Set" and setting the Number of Days filter to blank, you can list all users who are Login Active but have never logged in.

User Accounts - Last Login and MFA Status

Designed to identify accounts that are set Login Active, but have not logged in for X days, as well as their MFA Status.

User Activity - Earliest and Latest Page Loads per Day

For each user and day, shows the first page load, the last page load, and the number of page loads.

VAWA Information

Basic example with some of the fields agencies use to track VAWA information. The report must be adapted to the fields an agency uses and the manner of identifying "VAWA cases"; the example assumes a VAWA case is one with the Domestic Violence Present field set to Yes.

Workflows (Matters)

Basic report showing all the workflows that have run, the cases linked to those workflows, and the status of each workflow. Includes a summary crosstab. The matters subtable can be switched out for the other modules available from workflows.

Xander's Dashboard: Cases

Example report with charts graphs and the like to be used with the embedded report part blocks. Highlighted in "Dashboarding with Xander" presentation(s) at the National Training and occasional Tuesday trainings.

Please note- You'll likely need to make copies of this report to get the filters you want. For example: I often use a copy that pulls in only opened cases, a copy for only closed cases, a copy with specific users filtered etc.

Please note- this report may be updated without warning!

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