Paladin Integration

Purpose: To pass information about cases identified as Pro Bono Opportunities in LegalServer to Paladin. 


  • Passing information on cases to Paladin has no cost in LegalServer because it uses built-in API tools. 
  • Receiving automatic updates from Paladin that a case was placed requires the use of LegalServer Premium APIs at a monthly cost. 
  • LegalServer Admins can configure this integration without paid support from LegalServer. However, if you need or desire assistance configuring LegalServer for this integration, the cost is $1,100.

If you already have Premium APIs and your LegalServer admin is comfortable making changes to case and user processes, there is NO additional cost for this integration. 

Configuration Assistance

Configuration assistance includes:

  • Configuring your Demo and Live sites:
    • Creating Paladin API User Role
    • Creating a Paladin API User
    • Creating an API Bearer Token for those users
    • Configuring the Pro Bono Opportunities block on an auxiliary form
    • Configuring the API call from LegalServer to Paladin informing them of the new case. 
  • An hour training session with your staff where we will cover:
    • How to refer a case to Paladin.
    • How to use the Pro Bono Opportunities block.
    • How to update the API Bearer Tokens upon their expiration. 

Configuration assistance does NOT include:

  • Bearer token assistance when they expire one year from the date of their creation. Paladin’s tools will need to be updated with new bearer tokens at that point. 

Integration Outline

This integration works by first creating the Pro Bono Opportunity in LegalServer with the fields that are needed by Paladin. The unique identifier for case is then passed via API to Paladin. Paladin uses that unique identifier to come back and get the details for that specific case using the Get Matter Details API. The Pro Bono Opportunity is then available in Paladin for potential publication to firms and others. 

The version still in active development involves recording Pro Bono Assignments when cases are taken via Paladin's system. This will check for the Pro Bono user's existence in LegalServer. If the Pro Bono user does not exist, one will be created. That Pro Bono user is then assigned to the case as a Pro Bono volunteer. As that happens, the pro bono placement email is sent out by LegalServer and the Pro Bono Opportunity Status field is set to No: Placed via API. 

Detailed Steps for Paladin Configuration

Create an API User

Review LegalServer's notes regarding an API User. You will need to create a new user for Paladin's use. Paladin will also need you to generate a Personal Access Token for that User Account. 

An API user should have a dedicated user role that includes “API” in the name. Do not reuse or expand the Administrator, User, or Pro Bono Coordinator user roles for this. An API user needs the following permissions for this integration:

  • API Access
  • API Create Case Note
  • API Get Matter
  • API Get/Search Matter Pro Bono Results
  • Login

If you will be using the integration to get assignments from Paladin as well, you will also need the following permissions:

  • API Create Matter Assignment
  • API Create User
  • API Create User Affiliation
  • API Create User Subject
  • API Delete User Subject
  • API Get Lookup
  • API Get Matter Assignment
  • API Get User
  • API Get User Affiliation
  • API Get User Subject
  • API Post Matter
  • API Search Lookup
  • API Search Matter Assignment
  • API Search User
  • API Search User Affiliation
  • API Update Matter
  • API - Update a matter
  • API Update User
  • API Update User Affiliation

Note that this second level of the configuration requires the LegalServer Premium APIs. If you do not have those enabled, please email to request it. 

Configure Pro Bono Opportunities on Matters

Review the documentation regarding Pro Bono Opportunities. The block should be available on a form and process for your cases. You'll want the Case Title field on the form as well. See Process Management for details on how to configure it. 

When configuring the block, be sure that the following settings are selected:

  • Show PB County
  • Show PB Engagement Type
  • Show PB Time Commitment
  • Show PB Skills Developed
  • Show PB Appropriate Volunteer
  • Show PB Expiration Date

You may want to require these as well. Whether other fields are shown or required is optional. The remaining fields in the settings are not required for the integration. 

Configure the Outbound API Call

You can use either the Generic Outgoing API Block on a separate form or Guided Navigation: Action: Perform an API call.

If you want to send every case to Paladin, you can have the block for the Generic Outgoing API call or the Guided Navigation Dialogue runner on the same form as the Pro Bono Opportunity block. If you want to limit the cases sent to Paladin in some fashion, put the blocks on a second form in the Pro Bono Opportunities process. If users don't want to send the case to Paladin, they can click a Submit (Configurable) block button at the bottom of the Pro Bono Opportunity form to return them to the module dynamic profile. If they want to send the case, they can continue to the second form in the process. Alternatively, you can use the entering logic for Guided Navigation to limit when the API call is made. 

It should be configured as an API call with the following settings:

  • URL:
  • Method: POST
  • Post Type: JSON
  • Authorization: Bearer Token. 
    • Paladin will provide the Bearer Token. 
    • If you are using the Generic Outgoing API block, this goes in the HTTP Headers box. If you are unsure of how to set this up, use the Guided Navigation API call instead. It needs to start with Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE .
  • Parameters:
    • Value from a field: name the field 'legalserver_matter_id' and use the 'Globally Unique ID' field as the source.  
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