2023-08-09 Release Notes


Call your friends, family, and colleagues at Acadiana Legal Service Corporation and let them know how excited you are to hear they are going live next week. 🚀


🔄 Effective on 2023-08-10 for demo sites, then 2023-08-18 for live sites. 🔄

API Mavens should check the always informative API Changelog for updates and news. Especially exciting stuff this week.

🖍️ LS-102045: Make the Signature Attestation block play nice when there are multiple instances on the same form (this is not a challenge to see how many you can add before you break it again; you know who you are). Bonus: Improved the user experience when clearing and re-creating a signature within 3 seconds of clicking accept signature.

🔤 LS-103828: "Is my login Bob, bob, or BOB?" The Username block that adorns dynamic user create forms gets a new "Require username to be lowercase" configuration option. Off by default (colloquially: Not checked). Enable if desired.

➗ LS-104132: Formula Fields beta testers will surely be excited to see that said fields can now be added in the Organization, Organization Phase, and Project modules.

⏲️ LS-104401: Add a "Time of Day End" field to the "Time Since Event" workflows so that they don't necessarily get triggered too late in the day.

LS-104620: If you had a Yes/No field saved (with either value), then on a later form had a branch logic block toggling on that field (and configured to display as Radio Buttons), the branch logic block was not displaying the expected branch logic form when the form loaded. At least not unless you clicked the other value and then the original value to "wake it up". The shorter version for mavens: "Fire visibility on form_element_yesno_sections when displayed by form_element_radio_group_sections."

⏯️ LS-104784: Stalled green document upload bars should now change to red and tell you there was a problem uploading, and to try again. Seemed friendlier than leaving you staring, possibly for eternity, at the stalled bar wondering what, if anything, you should or could do.

LS-104964: Mavens may be excited to see that Lookup lists now display a "Unique ID" column. If you guessed said column will display each lookup value's UUID (colloquially: long string of letters and numbers no human can understand) you were right. How you pronounce it (you-you-eye-dee or you-id) should not affect functionality.

Anniversary Celebration


What They Do: Provide students with opportunities to assume the role of advocate on behalf of real clients with real legal problems.

Live with LegalServer: August 2017

Weather: 78/63 (26/17). Rain.

Honolulu Comparison: (88/76C). Partly cloudy.

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