2023-09-06 Release Notes


A hale and hearty "Welcome aboard!" to everyone at the following organizations as they begin their onboarding journey of wonder and discovery:

An equally robust "Congratulations!" to everyone at California Indian Legal Services (d/b/a "Veronika's Kids") as they prepare to go live next week.


πŸ”„ Effective on 2023-09-07 for demo sites, then 2023-09-15 for live sites. πŸ”„

API Mavens can take a break this week. But feel free to click over to the always informative API Changelog to make sure you haven't missed any past updates and news.

LS-98871: If you have added custom Instructions in the Financial Information block that is inside your Guided Navigation dialogue that powers your InCert intake, said InCert intake will now display them.

LS-101706: The LITC Issues list view cried out for some filters. Dry those tears and click the little golf tee (colloquially: the Show Filters icon).

LS-104959: Ever tried to delete a document template (including but not limited to a Gavel one)? Were you flummoxed by a "foreign key constraint" error? You won't be after the change in this ticket lands.

βœ… LS-105446: The Create Event from Task block [citation needed] you can plop on a dynamic task form will now copy the Users selected for the Task to the Attendees field of the event.

🀩 LS-105692: You have an external auxiliary process that sends an External Form to someone. You decide how they will verify to see the form via the aptly named Identity Verification Type field. Current options are: Date of Birth, Zip/Postal Code, Home Phone Number, and Bar Number. After the change in this ticket lands, add Mobile Phone Number to that list.

LS-105783: You added a static parameter to the Generic Outgoing API block configuration, but for reasons unknown (and possibly unknowable), you didn't add an actual value for said static parameter. Perhaps you like sending nulls to your destinations. This ticket will allow you to do that, error free.

πŸ“² LS-105871: If you try to send an SMS text to an "unsubscribed number" the message you'll see is now the more descriptive β€œCannot send SMS to [phone number] because the recipient has replied STOP or otherwise opted out of receiving messages from your number.”

LS-105874: Make the Set Pending (Only) block Incert-able.

πŸ—“οΈ LS-105934: If you are showing online applicants a potential list of appointments, but none are available, the "No appointments available. Check with your site administrator." message was unhelpful and confusing. We've changed that to "No appointments are currently available. Please contact the organization you are applying to." And yes, Virginia, a future ticket will likely give you the chance to make that message say whatever you want.

LS-105967: If you are using Capacity Tracking for referrals to outside organizations, do not enter a date in the future in Tracking Start Date field. Seriously, don't do it. A fix to prevent the bad things that will happen is in the works.

LS-106033: The "Unread Messages" list on the Message Center page now defaults to sorting the newest messages first. Like the other two lists on that page do. if you want to get at the oldest of your hundreds of unread messages, click the Date Sent column header.

Anniversary Celebration


What They Do: Ensure equal access to high quality legal assistance for historically under-served people to protect legal rights and Tribal Sovereignty.

Live with LegalServer: September 2020

Weather: 61/45 (16/7C). Cloudy.

Honolulu comparison: 87/75 (31/24C). Partly cloudy.

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