SimpleJustice Pro Bono Opportunities - Clinic Administration
Administrators can add, configure, and set-up clinics, and then configure and set up clinics events for users to view, review expressions of interest, and add themselves to clinic slots. Administrators will do this management in their LegalServer instance, which will send the relevant information to SimpleJustice via API.
Initial LegalServer Configuration
- The “Pro Bono Opportunity” block must be added to the Clinic create form via the form’s Admin icon and editing the form. This block will enable display of the clinic on SimpleJustice.
- The “Volunteer Position” block must be added to a Clinic auxiliary form and process to allow for creation of a position dropdown to be shown on the clinic expression of interest form in SimpleJustice.
The “Clinic Volunteer Organization Members” block may also be added to that form.
- The “Volunteer Position” block should be added to the Clinic Profile by going to the profile’s Admin icon and selecting Edit Profile. This block will enable the Volunteer Position Types to display using the defaults created. The “Pro Bono Opportunity” block should also be added to the Clinic Profile.
An administrator could also consider adding the “Add Clinic Event Attorneys” list view to the profile, as well.
- The administrator will then need to make sure that on the Clinic Event creation form, the “Volunteer Position Requirements” block is enabled. This cannot be placed on the first page of the form in the creation process because the record needs to first be created in order to complete this information.
You may also want to add the “Volunteer Types” field to the form as well.
- If you are having issues with getting this feature working, you can confirm with LegalServer staff that the Pro Bono Restricted Access Roles are configured as follows:
- User Module: Volunteer Events = Full access
- Clinic Module: Volunteer for this Clinic Event = Full access
On the Clinic Event Profile, the administrator will need to add the “Volunteer Position Requirements” block and the “Clinic Event Volunteers” block.
- The “Clinic Volunteer Opportunity Interest” list view will need to be added to the User Section Front Profile.
- The “Volunteer Events” list view and the “Volunteer Enrollment” block is enabled on the Pro Bono Restricted Access Section Front Profile.
Clinics Set-up & Creation
- The administrator will need to set-up a new Clinic by going to the Clinics module > Action menu > Add a New Clinic and complete the form .The administrator will need to verify that the clinic is marked as a current pro bono opportunity and has the requisite information completed to be passed along to SimpleJustice via API. This should include:
- Pro Bono Opportunity CC Email Address
- Description of when the clinic meets
- Pro Bono Opportunity Headline
- Pro Bono Opportunity Description
- Pro Bono Opportunity Volunteer Instructions
- SimpleJustice Opportunity Legal Topic
- SimpleJustice Opportunity Engagement Type
- SimpleJustice Opportunity Skill Type
- SimpleJustice Opportunity Communities - please note here that if you do NOT select an option, this opportunity will appear for all communities
- Next, administrators must define volunteer user positions via Clinic Profile > Actions > Manage Volunteer Positions
- The administrator can then set-up a new clinic event via Clinic Profile > Actions > Add Clinic Event. The Volunteer Position type and number needed must also be completed at this stage.
Once this is completed, the Volunteers will be able to view the Clinic on SimpleJustice.
Assigning Volunteers to Clinics
- Once a user on SimpleJustice has expressed interest in a Clinic, the administrator can navigate to the User module > “Clinic Volunteer Opportunity Interest” listview. Under the Action column on the listview, the administrator can click Approve. This will result in the clinic and its events being displayed on the volunteer’s SimpleJustice Dashboard, under “My Clinics.” Additionally, the assigned user will appear on “Volunteer Appointment Schedule” on the Clinic event profile, and on the volunteer listing on the Volunteer’s LegalServer account. The administrator may also select “Reject,” which will notify the volunteer of the rejection via email.
An administrator may also see a red flag icon, which will appear if a SimpleJustice volunteer does not have pro bono restricted access to the relevant LegalServer instance. Administrators may approve them for access via the User Module > SimpleJustice Pending Users or “SimpleJustice Rejected Users” by going to Actions column > Approve SJ Volunteer User.
On the next screen, the admin can select “Click here to approve this request and create a new user.”
- Administrators can then view details about the Clinics and Clinic events and their volunteer capacity on the Clinic Profile. If set-up with the appropriate organization access, administrators will also be able to view an overview of this on SimpleJustice under Dashboard > [Name of Organization] > Upcoming Clinic Events. Analogous functionality will occur for any affiliated Community dashboards.