Permanency Outcomes

For a Subject Child in a case, you can track Permanency Outcomes for the child.

Initial Configuration

You need to use the Person Module to add the individuals or update the Individual's records with the initial Placements. When adding the child, they have to marked as a "Subject Child" on the matter.

Update Permanency Outcomes

When you want to update the Permanency Outcomes of an individual, this happens through an Event on the case.

You need to use Dynamic Events on the case. This will require an event that has two forms on the process, not just one. The first form will need to have the "Hearing Relations" block. This will list all of the Subject Children on the case.

On the second form of the Event, you can update the Permanency Outcomes of that child.

In the example above, the Update Permanency Outcomes block is behind Branch Logic for "Have Permanency Outcomes Changed?" on the second form of a Calendar Event.

If there are multiple children, you'll be able to update each child individually.


These tables are all available in Reports under the Person table.

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