2024-07-03 Release Notes


Excitement levels are high as the University of Oregon Domestic Violence Clinic prepares to go live next week.


🔄 Effective 2024-07-04 for demo sites, then 2024-07-12 for live sites. 🔄

🪄 API mavens should review the always interesting and informative API Changelog.

  • 🏠 LS-79988: The "Begin Intake Links" element for Homepages has been retired, making way for the "Custom Create Matter Links" element. It's like the "Custom Link Box" for auxiliary processes. Your homepage, your rules.
  • 🚫 LS-91887: Encountering a Create Assignment block where it shouldn't be will no longer send you into a tailspin. Instead of the dreaded full-page error, you'll be greeted with a polite message. Error pages are so last season.
  • 🔄 LS-95305: Prefer brevity? Enjoy the new default "Unreviewed" filter in the Pro Bono Opportunity block.
  • 🕰️ LS-105935: The "Status Update Delay in Months" attribute for legal problem code lookup values now more accurately reflects its purpose with a rebrand to "Pro Bono Status Update Delay in Months." It's the same handy feature, but with a title that gets straight to the point.
  • 📅 LS-110869: The Online Intake Clinic Event Appointment block was too eager, only showing what's coming up in the next blink of an eye (or three days, to be exact). We've handed you the wand with a new config option so you can decide how far ahead your crystal ball can see.
  • 🏷️ LS-113704: Adding the Court Caption to your Litigation Listview just became possible. Dress up your lists with descriptive titles that give everyone the lowdown at a glance.
  • 🖇️ LS-115358: Along with almost a dozen of its fellow former trees (or dancing protons), Immigration Form I-539 has been updated.  
  • 🌐 LS-115729: Flowblock fans, you've spoken, and we've listened. The Hide & Highlight functionality was playing hide and... hide with certain conflict status fields. Now, it is all systems go for your preferred visibility setting.
  • LS-116994: Generic Outgoing API Block now supports multi-select arrays. Now you can say [“Hello”, ”Goodbye”] at the same time. 
  • ⚙️ LS-117107: If you enjoyed the new search setting, “Allow Automatically Creating Filters for Name Search” (effectively allowing for a more exact search by filtering based on name), you may be pleased to learn that, when enabled, your users will now have “filter exact” checkboxes for first, middle and last name when people or client searching, all of which can be defaulted. 🔺Caution: Default filters can confuse users, and if you use both ‘begins with’ and ‘filter exact’, well, test it out first and wear a helmet. 
  • 🦨 LS-[SkunkWorks] The skunkworks lab smells like serious progress.  Exciting stuff to be revealed at our national training in September, says the wind.
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