Bulk Litigation Edit Block
Allows editing multiple Litigation Records on a single case at the same time.
Designed to be placed on a case/matter auxiliary form.
This is similar to the Bulk Edit Services Block.
Status: Needs to be enabled by LegalServer. File a ticket (Help menu > Support Request) if you want it.

On the Configuration of the block, you can select what fields you want to be present on the Listview and field edit view in the User Interface.

Note that the fields include the field type in parentheses. This is to ensure that you end up picking the right Judge field among others (since Litigations has both a Judge Text field and a Judge Contact field). Not all field types are supported - for example, that Judge Contact field is not supported by this block currently.
Within the field settings, you can set a few crucial elements:

Read Only
means that the field will show in the Listview but then will not be available to overwrite the values present. This is useful for fields like Caption or Docket Number that help differentiate the Litigations but are not ones you would want to change for all records simultaneously.Include Column in List?
means that the field will show in the Listview in the block. If it is unchecked, the field will be available to edit but not shown when selecting the Litigation to edit.