Data Migration

If you are thinking about migrating data into LegalServer, please checkout our article on Data Considerations on our help site.  If you decide to migrate data as part of your onboarding process this is generally listed in your initial contract. Once we begin the onboarding process, and you have access to your demo site, you will see a tab on your demo site called "Migrate."  This is our migrate module, where we will analyze each table and field and log how each field will be migrated.  

Uploading your data

Before uploading your data, your team will zip a full copy of your current database and upload it. Please provide a full copy, and we will decide together during our dedicated data calls what to import and what to leave behind.  We accept a variety of database file types.  If you're not sure that we are able to  accept the file type you are using, feel free to email your LegalServer Onboarding Specialist and ask. 

One note about the backup file: If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server, the backup made for LegalServer can be a "Simple" one, excluding the log tables. Those tables will not be used by LegalServer. 

We suggest you use some type of encryption (such as 7zip), and securely provide us with the password to access your data.  If your data cannot be zipped, please contact us to discuss alternative methods. 

There are two ways to upload your data, both are described below. How you upload your data will depend on the size of your data. Please note, these are the ONLY ways we will accept data uploads, unless specifically agreed to and confirmed in writing.  Once we have your data, our team will convert your data so we can view the tables and fields with you in the migrate module. 

Small Uploads (under 100GB)

Most groups use the Migrate Module Upload Tool to provide their data. We ask that you zip and encrypt your data using 7zip or a similar program.

To upload, log into your site, go to the migrate module tab and click on the Upload Client Data link at the top. Click on choose files, select the zipped file from your computer or server, and click upload.

Once your data is uploaded, please email your LegalServer Onboarding and you will be given access to our secure messaging tool to provide the encryption password.

Large Uploads (over 100GB): SFTP Instruction

SFTP is a secure way to upload data to our secure servers. You can use any program that handles SFTP. The instructions below are for Filezilla (which can be downloaded from Alternatives are WinSCP, and many others.

  1. Discuss Your Upload with LegalServer Onboarding Contact - Your LegalServer onboarding contact will discuss your upload options, and once we've identified the need for an SFTP upload, your LegalServer contact will provide the user name and password. You will not be able to upload your data without this information.
  2. Zip the database- Zip your entire database, or use 7zip to both zip and encrypt it at the same time. Due to the number of client data files we receive on any given day, please name it according to this naming convention:’s (Example:
  3. Upload - These instructions are for FileZilla. Adjust as needed if you use a different program to upload.
    1. Choose SFTP, not Quickconnect to communicate with our servers. It is slower but safer. Set the port to port 70.
    2. Enter your user name and password provided by LegalServer staff.
    3. Click OK here when you get the unknown key caution.

Once we have your data, our team will convert your data so we can view the tables and fields with you in the migrate module. 

Data Doc Migration Mapping and Migration

Once your data is available in the migrate module, we will begin the analysis of your data.  We will work together asynchronously (both during and in-between meetings) to identify what fields and tables to import and identify where in LegalServer they will go.  Once all the tables and fields are marked reviewed and agreed, we will schedule time for our developer to review the DataDoc and perform the initial data migration into your demo site. 

If staff cannot perform database operations and analysis on your source data, you may need an outside consultant with expertise in your database.

It is essential to involve a staff member or consultant who is familiar with the back end structure of the source database, including the use and location of each field.

Initial Verification of and Test Data Migration

Once your data is imported into your demo site, we will perform some data testing, and we ask that you do the same.  There are several reports on your site to help you with this, including 

  • Imported Timekeeping data
  • Imported Case data
  • Imported Client Data
  • Imported Outcomes data
  • Imported User data

You will also need to perform case by case comparison, to ensure the data came over correctly.  Typically comparing 10-20 cases across a variety of statuses, program/office assignments, units, etc. is sufficient, but please use your own judgement.  If you have pro bono cases, or other special programs, please prepare to check these separately. 

When you run across data issues we will request that you file tickets reflecting the issues you find according to our Data Ticket Instructions

A final data map (a pdf version of the data doc) is available if requested. 

Final Migration Planning

Prior to your GoLive, we will discuss migration timing,  a plan for any issues that may arise during your GoLive, and confirm the timeline.  All of this will be outlined in an email.  We ask that you upload the final set of data the same way you provided the original data on your demo site.  Once you provide us with the final data set, you will no longer be able to migrate any new information entered into your old CMS system.  

Data Validation on Your Live Site

Once the data is in your live site, both your team and ours will repeat the data validation we do on your demo site.  This should include running import reports, reviewing users, doing side by side case comparisons, etc. As you identify any outstanding issues, please file tickets according to the Data Ticket Instructions.  Major data issues should be identified within the first few days of your GoLive for us to review and resolve. Please also note that we will be deleting both your source data uploads about 3 months after your Go Live. After this date, we will not be able to fix any data issues.   

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