Reports - Date Open Range

Date Open Range is a special column often used as a filter to answer grant questions like "How many cases were open during the report period" and "How many cases were open at the beginning (or end) of the report period".

The filter returns a case if it had the Open disposition at any time during the range of dates specified, regardless of whether the case was opened before or during the date range or is now closed.

See below for how cases being reopened can affect the Date Open Range.

Note: When filtering on Date Open Range, always filter on Disposition = Closed, Open. Matters with other dispositions can have an 'infinite' date open range and will be returned in the results, which is seldom the desired outcome.

For example, a Date Open Range filter of 1/1/2013 - 12/31/2013 will return all these cases:

  • A case opened before 2013 that is still open or was closed any time on or after 1/1/2013.
  • A case opened during 2013 that is either still open or is now closed.
  • A case opened and closed in 2013.

For cases open at the beginning of a period or the end of a period, use a date range of a single date.

For cases remaining open at the end of a grant period, say 12/31/2013, enter 1/1/2014 - 1/1/2014. In this example, you may also want to add a filter on Date Opened, set to "Has a Date Before" = 1/1/2014 (if you might have people opening cases on Jan 1.)

Date Open Range is on the subtable Case Data -> Case Open Date Range -> date_open_range.

If you need to set the Aggregate option on a Date Open Range column, you must use Count. You typically want to hide the column because a number in that column will confuse people. A filter on Date Open Range will still work as expected.

Similar functionality for Outreaches can be found at Outreach > Outreach Date Range > Date Range, which will filter for Outreaches with a Presentation Date in the range you specify.

Date Open Range on Reopened Cases

Date Open Range does not look at multiple open periods. It looks at the "most recent" period if there is more than one.

The Re-open Case block will keep the original Date Opened by default, but has an option to default to the current date instead. In either configuration, the user reopening the case can edit the Date Opened.

Here is what keeping the original Date Opened looks like. Notice how the Number of Days Open increases:

Here is what changing the Date Opened on the reopen form looks like. In this example the Date Opened was changed to 5/1/2024:

The earlier open period from 1/15/2013 to 5/18/2013 will not be picked up in a Date Open Range filter.

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