2023-08-16 Release Notes


Excitement: Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network goes live next week. 🚀

Sadness: Kākoʻo Maui


🔄 Effective on 2023-08-17 for demo sites, then 2023-08-25 for live sites. 🔄

API Mavens should check the always informative API Changelog for updates and news.

Guest RN contributor Lindsay wants everyone to know:

"You'll notice many enhancements to alerts on demo sites tomorrow, including colors in the alert type lookup, the case alerts block becoming the case/client alerts block, and the alerts list view available for the home page (use a new tab start with alert total for more fun.) More info here and here and to come!"

Gotta like her enthusiasm.

Now back to your usual boring RN staff:

LS-74114: You have a "Notes (Generic)" block on and online intake form, and you've required it, and you've enabled the "Expand Notes" button. If someone clicks that button, should they see raw HTML <span> tags, or a simple beautiful red asterisk? We agree.

☎️ LS-83563: The "Case/Matters - Callbacks" list view didn't play nice with displaying Group client names. As in, it didn't display them at all. A new "Name" column is available to rectify that failing. If that's your situation, you probably want to disable the First and Last columns, and enable the shiny new one.

🖱️ LS-85241: The Applicant Name block displays a human client's name on a case profile as a clickable link to the client profile page. For non-human (colloquially: Group) clients, there was no such clickability. Added it.

🌟 LS-93723: Date Presets in report filters like "More Than 30 Days Ago", "Past 60 Days", etc. are beloved by all. But what if you wanted to regularly pull cases where the most recent timeslip was more than 75 days ago? Out of luck, eh? Until now. You will surely enjoy the new Operator "Date Range Age in Days Between" (NB: It's a new Operator, not in the list of Date Presets, but quacks like a Date Preset). Use that operator in your filter and set it to 75 to blank. Done. Let your imagination run wild.

📧 LS-96461: Putting more than 256 characters in the Email Address field should not cause an error report popup when someone clicks a Continue button, dashing their dream of seeing the next form in your intake of wonderment. Particularly confusing for hapless online intakers, so we'll stop doing that.

🖇️ LS-101093: You've added a Related Case subactor to your Case Information actor in a document template, but you are stymied by unresponsive "+" buttons on the mapping page to expand the field categories to, you know, see the fields you can map. Destymification applied.

LS-104054: Dynamic task create processes will now store the ID of that process so your shiny Followup Profile will be used instead of the venerable static task profile.

⏲️ LS-104897: There is a small window of time between when a file (generally greater than 5MB) has been uploaded and it is still being processed. If you click Continue during the aforementioned window of time, boom (colloquially: you get an error). Back end magic has been added to handle this situation better (if you like technical details, we added a Tardis Function). Never ones to forget the user facing front end, there is "99.5%: Processing File, Please Wait" messaging.

LS-104789: Quick Case Copy was copying the value of LSC Eligible and Income Eligible, but not Asset Eligible, which made the new case look odd to picky people like auditors. So we'll start copying it as well.

LS-104914: The "Clickable Link" format option for columns in reports is designed to make text fields that contain a URL clickable links. Applied to other columns, it either doesn't do anything or (egad) causes an error. This ticket pushes more, possibly all, (mis)uses of the format into the "just doesn't do anything" category.

LS-105086: Scheduling a case into a clinic event appointment slot last week was the usual smooth process. But the appointments weren't showing up on the case's events list. We pushed out a fix on Friday 2023-08-11. Appointment slots filled on or after that date will show up on cases as expected. Existing affected appointments can be coerced into showing on cases by viewing and saving the clinic event appointment profile page.

LS-105168: A small subset of reports starting displaying red "Problem" lines instead of a data table on Friday. Deemed unhelpful by all concerned and affected. Fixed everywhere on 2023-08-14 at approximately 16:27 UTC.

Anniversary Celebration

Who: CountyofGlenn

What They Do: Provide a broad range of services including advising on the law as it applies to County operations; drafting legal documents; and representing the County in civil actions, the Public Guardian/Public Administrator in conservatorship cases, and Child Welfare Services.

Live with LegalServer: August 2019

Weather: 106/77 (41/25). Mostly sunny.

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