SimpleJustice Content Management System

When a user (i.e., a helpseeker or a pro bono attorney) first navigates to your SimpleJustice site, they can view available cases, news, an about section, complete a request for help, register as a volunteer or sign in.  Your community administrator controls all the content available on this part of the site, the layout, however, is not configurable. 

Example of Front Page Example of New Page

Example of Sign In Page Example of a Help Request

Set Up

To add or change content, the community administrator can navigate to the content management system by clicking “Manage Website” from the community dashboard.

Once in the CMS, the community administrator can write content, save that content as a draft, or publish the content. Any section with published content will show in the navigation bar to the user. The editor does allow html tags and some CSS scripting. The Help Request is an example of an InCert embed code being used in the content editor.

The settings page allows you to control the following elements: 

  • Logo image
  • Favicon
  • Timezone
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube URL
  • Contact E-mail
  • Google Analytics Tag
  • Additional Meta Tags

When content is present in the Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, or Contact Email fields, those icons will appear on the front end. 

Publishing Resources to the SimpleJustice CMS

The SimpleJustice Help Directory allows you to surface Knowledge Resources and ReferralHub Organizations in SimpleJustice CMS. On a dedicated page the help seeker can view published and publicly available knowledge resources by legal topic and subtopic, as well as services from organizations that match the criteria from ReferralHub.

Publishing Knowledge Resources

To publish a resource on the Help Directory, enter a Knowledge Resource as you typically would, but make sure that "Share in Help Directory" is set to Yes.

More Information on Administering Knowledge Resources:

Enabling the Help Directory

To enable or disable the Help Directory on your CMS, log in to your SimpleJustice CMS as a Community Admin, go to the community dashboard and click on Features. From there, you will see the toggle to Show or Hide the Help Directory.

Assigning Icons

When enabling the Help Directory, you'll also see a "Configuration" option. This is what allows you to assign different legal topics and subtopics a specific icon.

Linking the ReferralHub Community

Log into your SimpleJustice site as a community admin. Click on your picture in the upper right hand corner, and see the slide over with various options for you. Click on Community Information, and fill in the ReferralHub information. If you need help locating the information, email

More Information on ReferralHub:

Enabling the Guided Help Interview on the SimpleJustice CMS

The "Guided Help" allows you to create a interview that can surface Knowledge Resources, ReferralHub Organizations, Online Intakes or other tools on the front page and in a dedicated page of the public facing SimpleJustice CMS. You can also provide the help seeker a walk away document with the information surfaced in these interviews.

By using the Knowledge Resource Display block and the ReferralHub Services and Organizations block in a Guided Navigation, you can build an interview that guides your help seeker to the information you want them to have.

Once you have a Guided Navigation dialogue in place, log into your SimpleJustice site as a community admin. Click on your picture in the upper right hand corner, and see the slide over with various options for you.

Click on Community Information, and fill in the Process your Guided Navigation Dialogue Runner is on, the token you're using, and the URL.

You can turn the Guided Help on for the homepage by going to the community dashboard and clicking on Features. At the bottom you'll see the toggle to Show the Guided Help on Home Page and Guided Help in Help Directory.

More Information on Guided Navigation:

More Information on InCert:

Changing the color and font of the CMS

If you need to change the stylesheet of the SimpleJustice CMS, you can make a request with Please be specific about the font, font size, and hex colors. Please note: by requesting these changes, you will have to verify that you've reviewed the colors for contrast and accessibility.

Please specify the following:

  • Colors:
    • Background (use on entire site and the cards)
    • Main content area
    • Heading
    • Text
    • Accent (used for nav, links, buttons, and footer)
  • Font:
    • Header 1 Font
    • Header 1 Size
    • Header 2 Font
    • Header 2 Size
    • Header 3 Font
    • Header 3 Size
    • Text Font
    • Text Size

Changing the top level tabs of the CMS

Currently, we can change (rename, hide, or add) top level tabs on the SimpleJustice CMS upon request. Please email with the URL and a complete description of what your heart desires. If those desires are directly related to the names, order, etc of the pages on your SimpleJustice CMS, we'll go ahead and make those changes!

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