2025-01-22 Release Notes


Join in the excitement as these organizations prepare to go live next week:


🔄 Effective 2025-01-23 for demo sites, then 2025-01-31 for live sites. 🔄

🪄 API mavens should review the always informative, interesting, and ever changing API Changelog.

⌛ LS-118140: Experiencing odd delays when running a report before it becomes "interactive"? Your report likely has a user-based filter, and you likely have a lot of users. We're going to make a user-based filter a search and select instead of a dropdown list if you have more than 1,000 current or active users.

💺 LS-119473: Just when you thought Remote Cases could not impress you more, you discover a Remote Service Editor block is available.

💺 LS-119475: More on Remote Cases. The Remote Client Case Profile block can display a list of remote Services, which includes a Note column. If the text in a note contains a valid URL, it will display as a clickable link.

🏑 LS-122703: Guided Navigators who also deal with Charges will surely be pleased to see they can now display the following fields (read only only) in their segments of wonder: “Top Charge”, “Top Charge Category”, “Top Charge Penalty Class”, and “Top Charge Statute Number”.

📤 LS-123465: On sites doing case transfers, the Programs lookup values have a Show in Originating Agency Program attribute. Problem: You want some programs to be inactive and not appear in places like assigning cases, but you want them to appear in the places where you are setting Originating Agency Program. Solution: Originating Agency Program selectors will show programs with that attribute set and ignore the Active attribute.

🫡 LS-123550: Some Contractor module configurators have set “Allow timeslips to be added to non-time-based products and services” to Yes. Surely they will be pleased to see that Yes will also default "Add Time Slip" to Yes on the related static and dynamic forms.

👷🏼‍♀️ LS-123554: Contractor invoice PDFs have a list with a “Service or Reimbursement type” column. Sadly, the column is blank for Expense reimbursements. De-saddening applied.

📫 LS-124024: The Zip field displayed by the Additional Contact block will stop stripping the leading zero you enter.

☎️ LS-124064: If you have your Homepage Alerts block configured to still show Legacy SMS alerts, we will convert any links to files to clickable links instead of unsightly HTML.

📆 LS-124436: If you are using online intake scheduling and you want to "check early" to see if slots are available, then this change may interest you. The Online Intake Transfer block has a new configuration option: Mark As Incomplete. Use case: You want an applicant to be able to reserve an appointment early in the process (or let them know no appointments are available), then continue to fill out information. Your "early in the process" form would have the Online Intake Transfer block on it with Mark As Incomplete checked. Your final form would have the same block, but with Mark As Incomplete unchecked. The first instance of the block sets the transfer status to "Incomplete". The second instance sets it "E-Transfer Initiated - Awaiting response" as would normally happen for a process using a single instance of this block.

🖱️ LS-124648: If your site has links to "Login with SimpleJustice" and "Single Sign-On", we've put some space between those links.

Anniversary Celebration

Who: SG

What They Do: Provide legal help and information to single adults and families whose state benefits have been reduced, terminated, or denied – and those given benefits overpayment notices.

Live with LegalServer: January 2009

Weather: 6/0C (43/32F) Partly cloudy.

Honolulu comparison: 23/17C (75/63F) Cloudy.

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